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2023-06-01 04:58:01


导语: 梦想是美好的,但实现梦想的道路是曲折的,无数人在实现梦想的道路上遭遇了无数曲折;其实梦想就是一个人给自己定的一个大目标,坚持了,熬过了,梦想就实现了;一个实现梦想的人,就是一个成功的人。下面是小编为大家整理的,英语范文,希望对大家有所帮助,欢迎阅读,仅供参考,更多相关的知识,请关注CNFLA学习网!


That was when I was 11 years old birthday, mother bought me a pair of skates for my birthday, I am happy to jump three feet high, you are determined to learn to skate.

Dad and I went to the park on a lawn, put on skates, and wearing wristbands or something. Ready, I can't wait to lawn, under the help of my father, started my "ski trip".

Dad to let me as soon as possible to learn skating, then command me aside. I learn "standing". I first to hold the next to a big tree stood up carefully, and try not to touch the tree. Everything goes very well, in the end, I could very easily have stood up. "Standing" learned, I should learn to "go" below. In my father, under the command of the cautious go up, but because I am a novice, balance control is not very good, "pa" a bang on the lawn, but I'm not discouraged, to stand up, finally, in the unremitting efforts, I finally learned to "walk". Here I am one of the most important part in the skating - "slip". I put my foot outward show of eight shape, a feet after a foot to slip up, but still unavoidably fell, I once again fell on the lawn, strong got up, and fell on the lawn, got up... In the fall again and again, I learned to skate, swim in skating world full of joy.

Adhere to is victory! The persistence is to the success of the tunnel, the tunnel is the gateway to happiness, is the gateway to the tunnel joy! (junwei




坚持就是胜利!坚持就是通往成功的隧道,就是通往欢乐的隧道,就是通往喜悦的隧道!( 玮


On one occasion, a few of my classmates and I, to play in the garden, I found a very big first carrot, and long in the mountains, very stubborn, I couldn't have tried again, but I have been repeatedly pull, pull pulling out finally, my classmates very say of astonishment: "how did you draw it out." I later I told them: "as long as perseverance can success, not letter you can give it a try! I'm against this kind of courage, to draw it out." Later we wash this carrot, we a few people put the carrot, it's very delicious, but my classmate say: "yuck!" But I feel very good, this is because, with the fruits of their efforts to create, is sweet.

In this thing, I know that no matter what, as long as you don't give up can be successful!






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