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2023-06-02 06:07:01




The Lantern Festival is coming! In the traditional festival in China, it is the Spring Festival activities of a climax, the Lantern Festival, this year is really finished. In ancient times the Lantern Festival is also called "the Lantern Festival" or "Lantern Festival", has a history of two thousand years up to now. Folk have GuangDeng play, jan, drinking, guessing, fireworks and other activities, commonly known as the fifteenth day of the yuanxiao. So, Lantern Festival is a celebration of "eyes", but it is also a "mouth" festival.

We here is not what the ancient city, there is no temple fair, no light, we have is an annual fireworks activities organized by the county government. The location of the fireworks are set in front of the county government. About at about seven.

When we get to see the fireworks have some late, firecrackers have begun to set off. There was a sea of people, very lively! We first see countless kongmin light up the sky, I hurriedly made vows. Haven't had time to close your eyes, only heard a loud noise, the fireworks shot into the sky, fry out of the beautiful spark in the sky, at the same time fell off one by one "parachute", colorful, beautiful. Some fireworks like a rocket, fly in the sky, like the flowers bloom again, red light, yellow light, green light, purple light, all the people see more enthralled. The fireworks in the sky is becoming more and more forms. Like open umbrella, as a flower bud, and as dozens of golden measures, twisted up in the sky. The sky like a beautiful, charming.

Our quilt below the multicolored fireworks, there is a fairy flying feeling; If now like a large space, only myself to navigate in China.

Enjoy the fireworks, "eat" is also essential. The song dynasty for the Lantern Festival every custom of eating dumplings, take its peace geely, family reunion. To watch the fireworks, we also want to go home to eat dumplings!









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