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2023-06-03 02:16:03




British writer Shakespeare once said such a sentence: honestly the most impressive, mean to honesty, honesty and others will be moved by you. Mr Dong said China: concentric breaking gold, first pledge. Is ah! To be a person want to be an honest person.

A few days ago, I was alone at home. Suddenly came a beggar, he said to me: wretched "little sister, okay okay, I haven't eat for several days, you give money!" I think he is very poor, I at ordinary times the money saved all gave him, gave him a bowl of rice. This morning, my mother and I take money to the bank and saw the young man stood in a suit and tie the counter was counting money, and COINS. I am a little curious, how could he have so many COINS? I carefully see, ah! This is not my first few heaven the beggar asked for money? How can he have so many COINS? And do a small bag, he saw I'll climb the wall. At this time I lost. This kind of person that wretch! "Letter, not heart all has the only sincere honest, alas, the suspect, who is not necessarily all cheat, has first cheat well." If the next time you meet people like this, and compassion?

Accidentally, I'm reading a book to see such a story: about a company's staff, in the reception of a female customers buy player in the United States, the wrong sell a coreless player to her, such as staff already, only to find errors, they were worried. So they called for more than 30 overnight, finally found her, and apologize sincerely to the female customers. The woman customer been touched, I was deeply touched. 's opinion, the good faith, can overcome barriers and misunderstandings between people; Only the good faith, to win the trust of others.

So, we should keep the good faith, with sincere care for others. If a man lose honesty, will lose everything.






British writer Shakespeare once said such a sentence: honestly the most impressive, mean to honesty, honesty and others will be moved by you. Mr Dong said China: concentric breaking gold, first pledge. Is ah! To be a person want to be an honest person.

A few days ago, I was alone at home. Suddenly came a beggar, he said to me: wretched "little sister, okay okay, I haven't eat for several days, you give money!" I think he is very poor, I at ordinary times the money saved all gave him, gave him a bowl of rice. This morning, my mother and I take money to the bank and saw the young man stood in a suit and tie the counter was counting money, and COINS. I am a little curious, how could he have so many COINS? I carefully see, ah! This is not my first few heaven the beggar asked for money? How can he have so many COINS? And do a small bag, he saw I'll climb the wall. At this time I lost. This kind of person that wretch! "Letter, not heart all has the only sincere honest, alas, the suspect, who is not necessarily all cheat, has first cheat well." If the next time you meet people like this, and compassion?

Accidentally, I'm reading a book to see such a story: about a company's staff, in the reception of a female customers buy player in the United States, the wrong sell a coreless player to her, such as staff already, only to find errors, they were worried. So they called for more than 30 overnight, finally found her, and apologize sincerely to the female customers. The woman customer been touched, I was deeply touched. 's opinion, the good faith, can overcome barriers and misunderstandings between people; Only the good faith, to win the trust of others,

So, we should keep the good faith, with sincere care for others. If a man lose honesty, will lose everything.








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