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2023-06-03 04:02:14




To connect and mathilde love more is a kind of conquest and conquer the relationship, who conquered each other, will let the other side suffer from emotional. Mathilde rich nobles, and the pursuit of ideal, unwilling mediocre, quick-minded. All of these are attracted to. Mathilde for in the love even more due to don't give in front of her pride, dismissive. This is even accept cora soff it an interesting story to the recommendations, prince is especially prominent. Can be said to be jealous and loneliness make mathilde crazy to fall in love with to connect.

In even or invested. Rainer lady's arms and rejected mathilde. How much this let a person to the latter Ming gravamen, after all, she ignore his reputation and, after all he is desperate for the release of campaigning. But it is not a natural outpouring of this kind of love. And even with Germany. Rainer lady love is naturally. With her together, Yu Lianhui feel freedom and equality and independence. Stendhal, this is what I said "love of the mind" and "spiritual love" don't go. It was in the choice of stendhal himself trade-offs.

Like cao xueqin wrote a dream of red mansions, stendhal after finished the "rouge et noir" readers think there will be only after fifty years. He looked forward to the reader to solve the smell, and claims that his work is dedicated to a handful of happy people. After finished this little experience, looking back, I can't help but ask myself again, I am a man of a few happy then?





For exchanges, we have rich language, have developed brain, with superior wisdom, more social, based on the individual links to form a larger group. In interpersonal communication is the most important impression formation process. So-called impression is our perceptions of others, in most cases we do not grasp the comprehensive characteristics of others, to form the impression to others. We tend to be based on the limited information, is only words and phrases, even to someone.

"Rouge et noir" was called "the philosophy of the soul poem", as the cornerstone of French critical realism literature, "the red" for the first half of the 19th century French prone to reveal the struggle and contradictions are very profound, aristocrats, size of bourgeois, church people one by one, the pain of the people, against civilians, and buried under the helpless love, permeate the stakes in the family, lurking under the surface of the strength of the warring depicts the whole society at that time. Novel was published, the spread of the society at that time don't read "the red", "can't" in politics the proverb.

"The red" is shaped by society, is so vast, so deep, so real. Here I will be based on the excellent works of literature and art in the history of the human literature, to explore psychology's impression of human psychology. "The red" is literature, is a political science, sociology and psychology. We can compare it to is a western "redology", which exchanges learning is wide, complex, and profound. Here I only to the impression formation of interpersonal psychology as a breakthrough point, hope to be able to explain some phenomena, from the perspective of another subject to understand this book. For the characters' preferences vary from person to person, of course, I am here to take just a mass of psychological analysis method. This is just a try, I think there may be some far-fetched. However, there is no doubt "the red" as an unrivalled work is the history of literature.







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