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2023-06-03 04:29:07




Twinkling of an eye, a new Christmas is coming again, I was excited, the in the mind have been thinking about what I receive gifts, who I should send what gift. Recall that Christmas last year, I received many gifts, with my classmates to send greeting CARDS, good friend sent a dime, and so on, when I get really don't mention how happy. I also sent them back, and it is this, the feelings between us have become deeper. However, to my unexpected is, this year's Christmas, I had not good.

That day, I stayed in school, I thought that today will be as usual, there are a lot of people will send me a gift, but I have waited for a whole day, send me a gift of a all have no, in the past, everyone else is while I'm away, tucked in my desk, and I now no matter how much I turned over my desk, I couldn't find it, I tried to comfort myself, but I still couldn't help it, I almost cried, I was sad, I have been thinking about it this is why, to reflect on himself, probably because I have no gifts this time out? It may also be

because my bad sentiment? I let you hate?

What is the reason why? I am sad!





Happiness in Chiristmas Day

Christmas is the biggest festival in the western world, which people all over the Christian countries celebrate. It is on the 25th day of each December. Christians consider it as the birthday of Jesus Christ. But now many customs and habits are beyond religious meaning, The Christmas season begins five or six weeks before the exact holiday. There is always a shopping boom during this period. So it's really a happy season for shop owners. bout foreign culture.





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