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2023-06-03 05:42:01





第一句:总描Not until I see this caricature/picture, do I realize the proliferation of_____(名词)./ Looking at this thought-provoking picture symbolically depicted by the drawer, I do realize how significant it is to ______(观点).第二句 Let’s look at the picture in detail 细描. 人物话__. 第三句 Common as it is at first glance, it is brimming with illuminations when you see it again. 第四句 寓意This drawer aims to reveal that ___(人、国家、社会) are devoid of ___/ the significance of ___.


第五句:现状 With the background of_______, / With ___ penetrating in our life, / In contemporary society, / In the age of kaleidoscope, individuals in growing numbers are inclined to____ 动词/ suffer from名词______. 第六句: It is universally realized that ____./ It is far from being difficult to see that ____. / It goes without saying that _____ 第七句: According to a survey made by ____ , ______数据. 第八句(现象类): 原 因 A couple of reasons could account for this adverse trend. / The primary reasons leading to this phenomenon can be listed as follows./ Careful deliberation of this phenomenon has illuminated me on why this should be so. 第九句(现象类): First of all/ initially, ___ is responsible for ___. +支撑句。 第十句In addition/ Additionally, _____ also contributes to this phenomenon. +支撑句。 /// 第八句(观点类):好 处: Possessing this virtue/quality/value/notion/awareness, one can not only ____动词 but also ____动词. 第九句:Apart from this, ____ is conducive to _____. 第十句(引用)Just as an old saying/ a celebrity says, “____”. 第十一句(后果)If this trend keeps penetratingdeteriorating , ______ is bound to be influenced negatively.+支撑句。/ If the significance of ___ cannot be acknowledged properly and promptly, individuals as well as the whole society will suffer a great deal. 第十二句 Moreover, ___ is detrimental to ____. / Individuals as well as the society will reap what they have sown. /What’s worse, lack of ____ may pose a potential and looming menace to ____. 第十三句:____ is a case in point.


第十四句:我认为 From my perspective,/ In terms of my personal experience,/ Considering the seriousness of this trend, /Taking the above mentioned into consideration , // it is urgent and imperative for sb to do sth./ I reckon that not until we realize the vitality of ____, can we foster it deliberately./ 第十五句:我建议 For one thing, we are supposed to appeal sb to do sth./ 第十六句 For another, ______ cannot shun their due obligation to do sth. 第十七句:我相信If we can implement as the above mentioned, ____ can be well guaranteed/ will be surely around the corner. // Although it’s easier said than done, we can make it with perseverance and stamina.



总描Not until I see this picture, do I realize the proliferationdebate of_____(名词).细描. In the first picture, _____人物话. In the second one, _____. Common as it is at first glance, it is brimming with illuminations when you see it again. 寓意This drawer aims to reveal that _____.


现状 With the background of ____, individuals in growing numbers are inclined to so sth. It goes without saying that ______. (原 因) A couple of reasons could account for this trend. First of all/ initially, ___ is responsible for ___. +支撑句。 In addition/ Additionally, _____ also contributes to this phenomenon. +支撑句。(利弊)Just as every rose has thorns, there exist both advantages and disadvantages of this phenomenonin both sides. No one could fail to notice that ____ is conducive to ___ and ____.Besides, ____. On the contrary, ______ may pose a potential threat to _____ because _____. What’s worse, ___ is detrimental to ____.


我认为 Taking the above mentioned into consideration , I reckon that the advantages of ___ exceedoutweigh its disadvantages. /观点一 For one thing, ____ enable ___ to do sth. / For another, ___ is also a necessity. 我相信 If we can strive to seek its merits and avoid demerits, ____ can be well-guaranteed.


Not until I see this thought-provoking picture, do I realize the proliferation/significance of ____. let’s look at the picture in detail. sb is doing sth with ___ facial expression. Common as it is at first glance, it is illuminating after your serious pondering.

The influences of this trend revealed by the picture are detrimental/conducive to our individual, familial and social aspects. In contemporary society, individuals in growing numbers are conscious the seriousnesssignificance of this phenomenon. A couple of reasons can account for this trend. _____ is regarded as the primary factor. In addition, _____ also contributes to this tendency. If the gravity / vitality of this trend cannot be realized properly and promptly, individuals as well as the whole society will suffer a great deal. Apart from this, it is harmful/beneficial to the general mood of our society.

Taking the above into consideration, I reckon that effective measures should be taken to curb this adverse trend./publicize this notion. Besides, the public media cannot shun their due obligation. Only by joint efforts, can we enjoy a promising future. Although it’s easier said than done, we can make it with perseverance and stamina. (文中的划线部分,前者适用于负面现象,后者适用于正面观点)




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