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2023-06-04 02:35:14




Teacher, if compare you to a clam, so students are clams in the sand, you use love to grind it, soak it, wash it, accumulate over a long period, sand has become a pearl, glittering.

Yao teacher, it is our new English teacher, she is not tall, wearing a shoulder hair, often show smile on the face, give a person a kind of natural, simple beauty. I still remember that she had just come of that day of, told us the rules of the class, let us feel deeply it is a veritable "talented".

As we are still immersed in dealing with the teacher's miss, she just came, everybody don't like her. Her class, everybody can come. For the assignment, she also just scribble.

While on duty, director Mr Li found that our class English result straight line descend, then in the class said 1: to deal with the teacher's nostalgia and respected as a beautiful memories, is to enjoy the new teacher in a new light. A word from the teacher li like imperial edict, from now on we never cheated on yao teacher do some little tricks, also dare not perfunctory to write homework.

Remember once the exam to write English composition, I write so bad. When I get the test paper, I was startled, but also is a kind of nervous and gratitude. Originally I wrote a composition yao teacher already from beginning to end with a red pen mended, not only increased a lot of words, even the grammar mistakes, also all corrections.

Yao teacher is not only responsible for our school, but also especially good at doing ideological work. On one occasion, I have a there is empty, yao teacher called my office talk, gently said: "the students finish the homework is at the very least, charge like a warrior is the most basic responsibility." Yao teacher patient education, like they treat their children, let me deeply moved.

Now the English class, students enthusiasm of learning English back to the original appearance, even more positive than early at that time. Yao teacher said our class class is a kind of enjoyment, I would like to say yao teacher, your class we might it not a joy?

If we deal with the teacher is gratitude and respect, because she leads us into the English world. For the beautiful, young, gentle yao teacher, that is a kind of moving and admire, because she explores the English world, let us more to enjoy this world.

Yao teacher, quickly opened the window and see this spring brightness, this garden plum, in salute to you!











I have a new English teacher, surnamed cui, I am very fond of her.

Cui teacher a little fat, but very fit. Her shoulder-length hair with pumpkin shape, a ruddy face, the beer bottle bottom, under the eyes of a pair of big eyes, twinkle, all the her eyebrows is grain, very beautiful, lips have water to drink.

She often dressed in black with white dots is a beautiful skirt to the neck, two coarser crus, her shoes more beautiful, is the flat shoes with pearl.

Cui teacher is kind and care about us, concerned about our study, also very patient. Often a few jokes, that every time we laughed.

Now, you go with us MissCui class!!!!

"Jingle bell -- -- -- -- -- -" the bell rang. Look! Cui teacher came to our classroom and recorder with English book, full of smiles to say: "Class begins!" "Stand up!" "Goodmorningteacher!" We shouted together. The teacher answered us, voice is filled with anticipation.

Her crisp JiangKeSheng, you listen to: "the classmates, your book, please turn to page 1, Let slearn." the teacher Let go of the recording, began to teach our words, her voice like slightly spring breeze. The teacher like a hard gardener, the young we planted into the "smart dust" with a smile

, reoccupy water "knowledge" watering us, until we grow healthy and strong.

Spoke of "Let's try," said "without this knowledge before, now Let's 'kick a kick!" Cui teacher is humorous and funny words we laugh, for a minute!

Remember once, small focal how also can't read the word "universityseudent", choi, gently walked up to her teacher, teach him patiently, again and again, he still read wrong, the teacher show him three times again, he will at last. The teacher also told him back to read more at ordinary times. The teacher's patience to let a person admire!

Friend, how about our new English teacher, beautiful? Funny? Patience? Anyway, I think she is perfect!






“叮铃铃------”上课铃声响了。瞧!崔老师拿着英语书和录音机走到了我们教室,满怀笑容地说:“Class begins!”“Stand up!”“Goodmorningteacher!”我们一起喊道。老师回答了我们,声音里充满了期待。



讲到了“Let’s try”时,说“以前没有这个知识点,现在让我们‘踹一踹’!”崔老师幽默又滑稽的话语是我们捧腹大笑,足足有一分钟呢!






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