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2023-06-04 06:33:16




Today with my sister and I go to my aunt maternal grandmother home, I am very happy. Grandmother lived in the suburbs, came to grandma house, a picture of a natural beautiful scenery will appear in front of my eyes, all so serene, less the hustle and bustle of the city, everything is so harmonious, so comfortable. Small lotus composition nets

My grandma body is not good, my aunt took my sister and I to the fields, by the experience of life.

Walk on a narrow ridge in the country, like stepping on the soft green blanket, green seedlings on both sides are greedy to enjoy the sunshine bath, absorb the nutrients of the earth. A breeze blowing, the mood suddenly have ever flowing in. , are some flowers by the road, I counted, red yellow white pink purple blue, each have each feminine beauty, each have each unique, each have a charm. Just this spring flowers, trees attract me to ecstasy.

Soon came to the earth, our task is to remove weeds, aunt to introduce you to a weed, it affects plant growth, aunt said he called cucumber and rest my sister and I put it out with the hand when shooting really have cucumber asked him, "we are enthusiastic to the setting sun, also don't know tired, on the way back walk while take the cucumber, also made up a song small: a clap clap clap cucumber to grandma's house.

In the evening. We are reluctant to go back to the home

今天姨妈带我和姐姐去姥姥家,我特别高兴。姥姥住在郊区,来到姥姥家家,一幅天然的美景便呈现在我眼前,一切那么宁静安详,少了城市的喧嚣,一切都那么和谐,那么轻松自在。 小 荷 作文






Last year on a Sunday, I went to the countryside to their hometown to experience an interesting peasant living - to break off the corn.

I in the field, I saw the sun face showing lovely side. I put down the car, and looked the maize fields. Ah, depressed long well: one corn on the cob is dressed up like a lively and lovely baby. They went to the green coat off and put on a little yellow head, as if to smile to me!

I can't wait to back a basket to the ground, just like the mother, the first to press the leaves on the corn stover as a pressure holding corn GanZi again with his left hand, right hand grip on corn on the cob, and a tug "click" sound, then break down. Break in a short while, few back filled up too. Who knows my body to the left, and corn on the cob fell down several of cabinet. I bent down to pick up the back have dropped the, had to put down the basket to pick up. Mother saw laugh said: "see, you do this work is not." I said: "somebody else was a child, after grow up, can catch up with you!" Say that finish, I can't help but smile, mom smiled from ear to ear. Small lotus composition nets

Time flies by, the twinkling of an eye, it's time to our "home". Rural life is colourful, really makes people reluctant to go.



我迫不及待地背了个篓子到地里,照妈妈做的那样,先把玉米秆上的叶子向下压一压,再用左手握住玉米秆子,右手紧抓玉米棒子,使劲一拽“咔嚓”一声,便掰了一个下来。掰了不多一会儿,背上的篓子就满了。谁知这时我的身子向左倾了一下,篓子里的玉米棒子掉下了几个。我弯腰拾起了这个,背上有掉下了那个,只得放下篓子去捡。妈妈见了大笑说:“看你,干这点活都不利索。”我说:“人家还是小孩子嘛,以后长大了,一定能赶上你!”说完,我忍不住笑了,妈妈更是笑得合不拢嘴。 小 荷 作文网





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