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2023-06-04 06:42:04




Everything has a different meaning, everything has a fascinating place. Music, make me happy, ask me why? Just because music has its unique charm, make me happy, make me strong, brave, music which is produced a daydream, is like the beautiful moon, music makes me.

When I quarrel with my classmates, I don't, ear rings from time to time "friendship forever" this song beautiful song, flatter me, music is a kind of power, melting just push me with your friends, this is the charm of music. Whenever I am in the miss, care, his ear will ring "care" this song, I revel, tears would fall, every word the song made me feel deeply that it is the power of music. Whenever I wronged, sad. Constantly sad, ear ringing cry "star night" this song, I also looked up at the stars told myself not to cry, want to study hard the stars shine, don't be sad, every time when I met the learning difficulties, I hear "fly self" this song, I will learn to release yourself, efforts to sprint, bring down the difficulty, go forward. Whenever I headstrong naughty, always think of "willful naughty" this song, will tell yourself, don't capricious, to learn, everything. This, and so on all is the power of music, make me change the fact that it can't be, music that endless power, makes me intoxicated, is the music makes me determined to be a happy "genie", is music makes me sad into laughter, is music makes me go forward, never retreat, is music taught a lot of sense.

Everyone has their own one day, the same everyone has got their things. Let's let it guide our every moment of life, in the wind as it melts air, believe me in the company of music, I don't feel lonely.

Music makes me forever.






There is such a thing born with culture, the cultural heritage of one thousand years, it is the only the conservation of it. Is rhyme!

We are all on the "rhyme".

Toddler, already was listening to the old people often sigh: the gentleman in the battle, the period. This is white hair have regrets, this is also I listen to the rhythm of the earliest.

Slightly older, know a few poems, and also with from time to time, filled with deep, slowly say: Jian Jia maturity, white dew to cream, the so-called iraqis, another side of the river. After finish will be swept away, to the rhythm of the carefree beauty zai revel in a little while.

Already know some things, and no longer so casual, just in some of the time, as published, wandering in the rhythm of happiness or sadness. When high praise: with the beauty of the world is in yourself. Purple-black hum: hengyang geese go without attention.. To show affection, "yun" (rhyme) to show people "rhyme".

Now, I was a junior high school students, although learning tension, but leisure when, still does not forget to read the rhythm of a easy way to relieve stress.

The conservation of "charm" is the eternal, will not change.

"Rhyme" with the spirit of my life partner.

Musical sound, let me happy...













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