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2023-06-09 04:21:01



一、诉投 信

eDar___________________ _,

①Iam ____________________ 自(介我绍) .②I fel ebd ta toorulebyou bt u Im aafard tiat hI avh teom ke a acompliatna botu.

T③eh reaonsf romy d issaitfsation ci_s________ _总体(绍)介. In t④e fhrsi tlpce,_a_________ (抱的怨第个方一面). I⑤ naditidn,o___________________(抱怨_的第个二面)方 ⑥.Udne rhtes eirccmutsnaec,s fIni di_t___________________ (感觉 t)_o___________________(抱怨的 面给你带来方的果).后

I ap⑦rpceaie it vterym cuh i yfouc olud____________________提(出建和议请求) ,peferraby_l_________ (进步的要求), 一nadI wo uld ilk eo tahe vhtis matetr esttedl by__________( 定解设决事情最期后限) ⑧Thank. ouyfor yuorco sidenrtaoi and Inw illbe lo oknig orfwra tod yur oerpy.l

Yoru siscenery,

Li Mingl

、二职求 信

eDraS i rro Maam,d

①I wrteit hi settlr eto appl fyro te poshiion ttath oyu hvea dvaerised it__n_________________ _报纸(称名o)f_______________________________________(广告发布时_间.)

②No tnolydo Ih av ehteq aluficaitois norfth i jsb,obut I aslo hva thee irhgt erposnlitayf or

a_________ (工_作称)名. ③I nheto nehand,__ __________________( 一个第原因). ④O nth eohet r

ahd,__n___________________________ (另一_个因原. )

⑤hoSul ydou rang mt ea peronas iltnrviee,wI wo ludbe most grate fl.u I⑥f yuone det oknw moroeabo t uem p,eales fel efer eot ontactc e ma tay ntmi ae_____t______________ (电_号话).

⑦T码han ykuof orc nsioedrnigm y palpicaitno ,na Idam looink gorfwadr otme eing ytou

.oYrsusi cenery,l


g三、建议 信


①Yuo ahev skae medfor m yavidec wthir eagrdt o_________ ,_ nad Iwill t r to myake somec nducoitv sueggsetois hneer.

②I nm huymlb openioni,yo u wuold b wieseto ta e thke floolwin actigos:n_________ (建_的议内容.

)③I hop yoeu ilw flind htseep rpoosalsuse fu, and lIw oul db ready et oisdusc tshs mitaetrw thiy u oo tufrhertdet ial. s

Yors sinuceelry,

L Miign

四、求请 信

Dae_r________ _ ,

I①am writ ign otf omarly lreuesq tt_o_________ (求请内容的).

②Te hraseno of___r______ is _tha____t_____ _(出原因给). I③__________ so ,I_________ (_给细节)出.

④I wold also uilk et requeost__________ 提(进出步的要一求). I⑤ ma orsyrfor an yncoinveinence Ihav e aucsd.

eT⑥ank yhuo foryo u attentirn oot htese reqeutss.⑦ fI ou hyvae aynqu steoins do ,otn hestitae o tcnoattc em t_____a____ _电话号(码.)⑧ Iook forlarw dt o aavfraobe rlplye.

Yousrsi cneery,l

Li ingM 五


Dea__r________ ,①

There ilwl bea _________(内_)容 t/ain__________(点地) on_________(_时间).② e woulW dbe onohedrto h av yeou hetre wtihus.

③Teh coacis

on wills tart ta__________具(体间时) ④.Thi wi s

ll be ollowfd bey a_________(进一_步的排安). A⑤t aorun_d_________时()间,_________(_一个另安). 排

I⑥reall yohe you panc akemit. ⑦ SVRP beorfe_________(_通你知最的后期限)

.Yuorss icenreyl,

LiMin g

[Nxtpaeeg ]



① aI tmrul sorryyth ta__________道(歉的原). 因

②Te reasho nsi htta_________(介绍_因)原 .O③cnea gain, I a somryrfor an yincon veninec causede. Hop④ eyu con acceapt myappo loiesg nd anudertsnda ym isuattoi. n

Yoru sincsreeyl ,

Li iMgn

、七谢感 信D


①I m arwiintg t oxetndemy sicnee rragittduefor _________(感_谢原的因).② f It had ion tbenefor y ou assritsnacein_____ _____(对给予的方具体助帮), fIaerthat woIudlhav ebee__n_______(没有_对帮方时的后果助).

③Evre oneyagre set htai t as wou ywho_________(_出细节给)

.④gaAi,n Iouwl ldki te oeprxes sm ywam rtanhs tko ouy !lease aPccpe tm yragtiutde.

ouYrss niceerl,

yLiM ng

i八、问询 信


①I a_m_________自(我介绍.)②I a wmritni tog see f iti sip sosilbe fr yoouto pro idv emewi h tnfiromatoni rgaedrngi__________(询问的"内容要.)

③Firtso f la, lhwt aae____r_____(_一第问题个? )④econSdyl ,whenwi l_l________(第_二个题)问?⑤Tirhdy, is_l_________第三(个题问?)

I ⑥wuod alslo iklet oiqunrie__________将(最重的要问题独单成).段 C⑦ouldy o bu esoki nda s ot ensd meso e merevlnat obkletso o ntheab vo-menteineo aspedtcs ?

⑧Than kyuo fro yuok nidessn a,ndy orup omrpta tentiotn o ttis hlttere iwl leb hghil yaprepiatedc.

oYur sincerels,y

L Mingi



,①I aftorfd me smcuhple aurs to reeocmmne__d_______(_推要的人)荐t youo②.Duirgnh s/hiregrad aut eeyasr h/ehse awsmy _________. ③A_ shsi/her__________ Ifund ohim/he_r_________介(与此绍人的关系).

④isH/eH perrforamcne i nteh shoolcyea r sws aousttndiang ⑤.Frits,he /seh ad bhen ena dshwedogre att lenat is_n________._ ⑥n adIditon, hies/h eas h aveyrpl aeans petrosnaitl.y⑦ H hase evedloepda str on sgens ofe__________,a dnwo rkignw ihthi m s iawaysl.⑧ Ica n taste tht hae/sehh sa allt he qaulitei osfb ing__e________(.绍此人的介能)

⑨T力herferoe I, her eercmmond ehimh/e ro yotuw ti hal lmyhe art .⑩Soulh doy fauvor hi/hme with r positaon ini ouryco pamny/Shuol dyo auccpteh miher /niy ou rnuveisitry I ?mas uert htah i/serh futruec odnctua/adceim worc kilw plorevwo rtyho fyou rc noifencd. eIl oko orwfadrt oeharni grof ymu aot te eharielt sospsilbem oenm.t

oYur ssnierceyl

,iL ing


Dear_________, _

I① ahe levrnad wieht deligt thah tyuo_________(祝_事贺)由.I② w

ould lke io txteednto yuomy umtos cotngratuatloin osn_________._ ③Yu oumt bs___e_______ ④A.dn Ieelf

veryh app yor fyou.

⑤__________ 所(得的成取)绩i squte ixcieingtn ews !I⑥k ownt ihs sis rulye winog to__________(被贺人过祝去的努力.)It⑦ is a rewar ydu roihlc yedsrve feory or__u________被祝贺人的(点)优

.⑧indKlyl et em knoww ehny u_o_________(咨询方对何有空).⑨I 时ohp_e________(_表达自己愿望的.⑩M) byet wsihssefo r oyurfurther scuessc

.Yuors sncireey, l

L Ming





You lteterca em to methi s orming. n

hIve raecieevdyour letter fo uJyl the 02th.

’I mwirtngi t oouya outb htel cteue rt oe biveg nnxet Monayd.

’I wmitrin got sk aif yu coanc oe nexm wetk. e


ti em liefs! Its’th re eomnhs sincet Iasw oyula s.

tThankyo fur ooury ettelr

I. nrpel yotyou letter rboau (thte exhbiition hit yesra…; )

Lt eemtell oy tuaht …


w noie tcohear from yuo agani

. L

et em etllyou smeothnigabou t hte ctivaiyt.


mlga dot haver eceievd yuorl tetr oe fAp. 9rh.t

’mI leapes tod ehratha you’re ctoinm to ghinCaf o arv iis.t


’ mrwitngi ot tankh oyu fr youo rhlpe duringm y tay in Asmriea.c

尾结部: 分

Withbest wishes .

’mI looingk forawdrto oyru rplye

.Id ap’rpcieaet i itfy u cooul deprly eraier.l

Pelae resmemer bmet youo wrole famhliy.

Give ym ebstr eagdr (wssihe) stoyo urmo teh.r

eBst wsihse


iWhtlo ev.

Wishyou a p laeast journey. n


ouy uscecs. sishW oy uhte esbt fo ehathl (.luck

)ooLknig ofwradrt o yurone xt vsiti ot hCnai.

L okion gorwafr td thoep ealsue of remetni gyuo.

E pxetcign t hoera fom rou as syoo na posssbile.



Ldiaes na gdetnlemn,e MyaI ha evyo u atrtneton, pleisa?eI have an annuonceenm to mtkea


文正分: 部


ll tehteac hersan studedts arenr queied rot attnd ei.t

leaseP taek oyu rntobeook sndama eknote .s


elae siltens creaufllyand w’ell ahve diacsussoi nn groipus.


elsa ceme oon ime tna dod’t benlate .

结束语部分 :


lesa ecme onad oji ni itn


Everbydoyis wleomec toatt nd it.e

I ho p eoyul’ havel a ice tnmieher e.

hatTs’ lla T.ahnkyo .u

高英中作文语能万板模书-信作文模(201板1-0-912 00:1:703转)载▼签标:教 分育类 英语:


r audrdse s

onth,M Dtae ye,a


Reeicevr#3&9s;a drdes s

eaDr ...,

Ima etrxemley pelseadt oh ea frrm yoo.uAn d Iwuldo ikl to wreti ea etlertt otll yoeu hatt____. _


iwl greatly lappecraiet a esprosen frmoyou a yourt aeriels ctonevinenceI /a lomkoingf 0warrdto yor repulei st ayor uarleeis tocvnneiecn. e

B es tegrarsd fo rour healyt han dusccss.e

S niecrey yluosr





温暖就是那么简单作文600字 初中作文我的新同学 写过春节的作文200字 放学之后作文 二年级介绍自己的作文 福尔摩斯作文 有则改之无则加勉作文 my trip英语作文80字 2014安徽高考语文作文 扫墓的作文 走丢的作文 体育课的作文 奶奶的味道作文 作文奇妙的梦 三年级作文新学期的打算 老师的礼物作文 湖边风景作文 蒲公英的作文300字 初心依然作文500字 父亲的温度作文 城市文化作文 小学四年级作文教案 七年级写人写事作文 自作自受作文 chatgpt高考作文 亲情无价作文 三年级数学作文 用发展的眼光看问题作文 关于责任的作文素材 鸢尾花作文