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ife in the future经典英语作文150词

2023-06-09 04:36:03

ife in the future经典英语作文150词


life in the future英语作文【篇一】

Time flies, is now 2030 years old! Rapid development of science and technology, transport has changed, the house has changed, the children's entertainment facilities were changed...

Walking in the street, the scent refreshing, clear fresh air outside than why is this? Originally, automobile exhaust has been processed, not only rich in negative oxygen ion, and there are all kinds of the fragrance of a flower, very beneficial health of body and mind! Not only is the car, ship, airplane has changed: once upon a time the ship was bulky and slow, met and dangerous shoals, now adopted new materials, light and strong, beautiful and durable, has greatly increased the speed, the fastest when can amount to 500 kilometers per hour, and the ship fitted with ultrasensitive radar, surface and underwater can be seen clearly, can warn ahead of time, reduce the accident. Again let's look at the sky, huge aircraft have disappeared from the blue sky, instead what small aircraft, there are all kinds styles: single type, many type, luxury, economy... Convenient and quick, safe and reliable, the relationship between the people more close, make the earth become a "global village".

Now have a look at our home: when we got home, the lights lit, the gentle music sounded, the savory smell coming out in the kitchen... Isn't anyone at home? Tell you, it's a high-tech yo - center computer, it can according to master need to control the house of hobbies: hungry, it will prepare delicious food; Tired, it will be ready to warm the bed; In my spare time, it will take you favorite book into your hand; Cloudy day when it will open all the Windows absorb light, make the room bright, sunny days to collect solar energy, provide energy for the entire house. Here anti-theft device is also very good, it has "mind-reading" yo, the guest has come, the door will open automatically, ring welcome song; Bad guy is coming, it immediately alert automatically, and will be a bad person anesthesia, sent to the police station. How, this home is comfortable! What, you don't want to move in this house? That can not line, our computer butler to force you to exercise at least one hour a day, in this way, can we have a strong body of work study, can enjoy the good life!




life in the future英语作文【篇二】

My ideal future life is green environmental protection world, there are trees and flowers everywhere, everywhere can hear the birds singing loudly. People no longer worry about the flood will wash away the sand, also no longer worry about land desertification.

My ideal future life or high-tech. People can live in a "home" car to walk everywhere, there is no fixed residence, all electrical signals with radio contact between each other. The children to school and stay at home to reading with satellite system through advanced display frequency, teacher's teaching also need not speak with his mouth half dead, all is automation. Road, also not crowded, not the automobile exhaust emissions, all with maglev instead of fuel combustion, thus "greenhouse effect" that a big problem also disappear. The world had no sharp horns everywhere, people consciously abide by the traffic rules.

My ideal or high quality of life in the future. Everyone has a very high cultural quality, not coarse wild, without fighting, some more is comity, modesty. The police caught the thief things of extinct, all the police but changed when the public personnel. Children no longer play truant, they seriously, study hard, love learning, love to create, love life. Children once a year to leave parents live his own life, to find the way of life, strong and brave enough to stand on the peak, is no longer the flowers in the greenhouse.

Because people of high quality and the recognition and protection of environment, my ideal is also the original life in the future. Dinosaurs extinct primitive creatures are quickened by scientists, carefully nurture them in the original park, also let people go to visit, adventure, and people can close to nature, breathing the fresh air in the original.

This is my ideal future life, it is perfect and happiness of the world, is a happy heaven.






【ife in the future经典英语作文150词】



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