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2023-06-10 04:16:01







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Dear Dick,

One of my best friends Wei Dong has just won a scholarship to study for one year in the United States. It happens that the

school which he will go to is your school. Wei Dong is one of my best friends, as I mentioned just now. He is so kind that

everyone in our class likes him very much, including our teachers.. He is outgoing and strong with many hobbies and a wide

range of interests. But this is the first time for him to live and study abroad I think that he will need a long time to

adapt to the new lifestyle. I hope that you can offer him a hand when he gets into trouble and you two will become good

friends and get along well with each other. He will not feel lonely and homesick because of your care and help. I’m sure

you can share happiness and sorrow with each other. Looking forward to your letter as soon as possible.

Dear Dick,

One of my best friends Wei Dong has just won a scholarship to study for one year in the

United States. He’ll be leaving soon, and, believe it or not, he will be in the same school with you. I have told him a

lot about you and he will go to see you right after his arrival. Since he is new there, I hope you could do whatever you

can to help him begin a new life.

Wei Dong is a handsome tall boy of 18. He is a diligent student as well as a good guy to get along with. Besides his study,

he has a wide range of interests, such as country music and basketball. I hope you can learn from each other and become

good friends.

Best wishes.


来源:天星 更新日期:2011-04-18 点击:




“Do you feel disadvantaged?” is a question of a survey recently conducted on the Internet by a website.

About 45.1%of the officials in governments consider themselves as the disadvantaged group, so do 55.4% of the

intellectuals, and 57% of the white-collars . In total, 73.5% of the netizens have a “yes” response.

How can we remove the feeling of the disadvantaged? Views vary from person to person. 49% of the netizens questioned think

we should make all people rich20% suggest that we should let everyone have a stronger sense of safety. About 10% advise

making everyone have the right to choose the jobs which they like, and the obstacles in society must be removed. The rest

propose that everyone should enjoy equal rights. And all people should be equal.

I think we should try our best to remove the negative factors in the daily life and keep an optimistic psychology to face

everything. In my opinion, the most important is the social harmony.


“Do you feel disadvantaged?” is a question of a survey recently conducted on the Internet by a website. The result of the

survey is as follows. 73% of the investigated netizens claim they belong to the disadvantaged group, including 45.1% of the

investigated staff working in governments, 55.4% of the surveyed intellectuals and 57.8% of the white collars.

How to remove the psychology of being disadvantaged is related to the stability of our

society. 49% of the investigated believe that helping everyone be well off is a vital way. 20% of the surveyed think the

government should take measures to strengthen the public’s sense of safety and ensure all the citizens can live a normal

and easy life. 12% suggest finding ways to make people stronger and healthier. And 10% say it’s quite necessary to clear

up the obstacles that prevent people entering the upper classes. In addition, 9% propose making efforts to build an equal

and fair society.

In my opinion, passing laws to ensure all citizens to enjoy equal rights is of great importance.



Last month, a survey was carried out among 63 students from a class in Senior 1. The

purpose of this survey is to get to know whether the students are satisfied with their current learning situations. The

main findings are as follows.

There are 5 students expressing their dissatisfaction with their study situation by giving it 0-4 points. 29 students are

also unsatisfied, grading it at only 5 points. 21 students mark their learning situation with 6-7 points, showing a general

satisfaction. 8 students, giving 8 points, are pleased with their study situation, but no one is content with it, giving a

full mark.

The fact that over half of the 63 students are not satisfied with their study situation is well worth our attention. I

think 2 reasons may contribute to the very dissatisfaction. The first is that quite a few students fail to prepare

themselves for the senior studies, so they haven’t adapted to the senior courses and don’t find the right learning

strategies. The second is that the teaching approaches used by the teachers in senior schools may need improving.


Last month, a survey was carried out among 63 students from a class in Senior 1. The

purpose of this survey is to get to know whether the students are satisfied with their current learning situations. The

main findings are as follows.

5 students give themselves 0-4 points, which shows they are unsatisfied with their current learning situation. 29 students

mark their degree of satisfaction with 5 points, that is to say, they are not satisfied, either. There are 21 students with

a low degree of learning satisfaction,giving 6-7 marks. To our surprise, only 8 students show a general satisfaction. But

no one is absolutely satisfied with their current studies by giving a full mark.

As is shown in the above chart, only a few students do well in their studies. What’s the reason leading to the result? The

most possible reason is that they haven’t adapted to the study of senior schools. In other words, they are not prepared

enough to study the new courses.


作为一名中学生, 和老师建立良好的师生关系是必要的。 请你围绕这个话题,根据以下要点,写一篇英语短文,谈谈自己的看法.

1. 建立良好的师生关系的必要性。2.你认为良好的师生关系应该是怎样的? 3.如何才能建立这种关系?

As a middle school student, it is necessary to build up a good relationship with

teachers. For one reason, a good relationship can benefit our study. For another, if

teachers and students get along well like friends, teaching and learning will not be tasks but pleasure. As a saying goes,

teachers are like our parents. They help us, encourage us and share sorrows with us. Being a student, I agree to the

viewpoint that a good teacher-student relation will make learning enjoyable and interesting. And only with the help of

teachers will we fall in love with our study and realize our dream

However, what is a really good relationship like? In my opinion, the good relationship is that teachers and students can

talk about anything and care about each other. A good relationship should be equal and harmonious,in which we are teachers

and students in class, but friends after class.

How to set up a good relationship? To begin with, a good communication is a vital step to reach the goal. We should

communicate more with our teachers. Teachers are also normal persons, so we should understand them, and respect them and

their work. The best way to build up a good relation is to treat teachers as friends. What’s more, accepting their advice

in a polite way is also important. As for teachers, they should treat all students equally. If so, students and teachers

will certainly get on well with each other.




再也没有作文600字 我最喜爱的美食作文 以感谢为主题的作文 打扫卫生作文100字 打阴部的作文 快乐六一300字作文 我的一天作文700字 家乡过年习俗作文 感恩母亲优秀作文 六年级上册第六单元作文 你是我最欣赏的人作文 五年级上册第八单元作文 难忘的小学时光作文 国庆节的作文350字 乐在其中作文800字 插屁眼作文 乡村生活作文300字 走过那一个拐角作文 遇见作文600字记叙文 介绍自己的家庭英语作文 关于春的作文600字 一分耕耘一分收获作文 作文难忘的除夕夜 征文是作文吗 民族团结作文600字 作文大全50字左右 生命在于运动作文 我是家务小能手作文 关于春节的作文初中 发病小作文