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2023-06-10 07:44:01




1. When and where did you go?

2. What was the weather like there?

3. Who did you go with?

4. What did you do there?

5. What do you think of the food and people there?

6. How do you feel about your vacation?


一、 文章需要包括内容

什么时候、什么地点 天气 谁 做了什么

食物和人 感受

二、 分段 – 文章框架

 总 – 介绍什么时候什么地点和谁去的

 分 – 天气怎么样,食物怎么样,人怎么样

 总 – 感受

三、 语言修饰 高分词汇、高分句型 过渡词

四、 检查错误

语法错误(时态) 拼写错误 标点错误

in June, I go to the qingdao. The qingdao’s weather is very good is a sunny. I go to there with my mother. The Qingdao is very Beautiful。 but the food is not very good. the people is very


I think the vacation is very very nice and irleratioual.


字数少 语法错误 拼写错我

标点错误 低分词汇、低分句型

二、 分段 – 文章框架

总 – 介绍什么时候什么地点和谁去的

分 – 天气怎么样,食物怎么样,人怎么样

总 – 感受

三、 语言修饰

• 高分词汇、高分句型

• 过渡词

第一段: 总 – 介绍什么时候什么地点和谁去的


分 – 天气怎么样,食物怎么样,人怎么样

那里的天气和北京的不一样。换句话说,那里的天气一直很湿热。 有时候温度会达到40度。我们参观了很多名胜,比如说天涯海角、亚龙湾。最让我印象深刻的就是那的海鲜,很美味。我最喜欢的是姜汁炸大蟹。还有,那里的人对我们很有好。无论何时何地我们有任何困难, 比如说迷路了,海南人总是乐于帮助我们。

总 – 感受



I went to Hainan island with my family last month.

海南岛在中国的南方,是一个漂亮的地方,以美丽的`海滩闻名。 Hainan, an island in the south of China, is a really beautiful place, which is well-known for its beautiful beaches.

仿写:主语 + 同位语+谓语+宾语+定语从句.

连云港, 一个位于中国东部的城市, 中国一个重要的港口城市, 以美丽的风光闻名;

e.g. Lianyungang, a city in the east of China, is an important port city in China, which is also known as its beautiful scenery .

e.g. 老圆子, 一个美丽的女孩,是新东方的一名英语老师, 她每天在“伦敦”呆至少三个小时.

e.g. Vera, a beautiful girl, is an English teacher in New Oriental School, who stays in London for at least 3 hours.


The weather there was different from that in Beijing. In other

words, it was wet and hot all the time. Sometimes the temperature can reach 40 degrees centigrade.

仿写:表示解释的关联词: in other words, by that I mean, that means

e.g. My friend KK is very hardworking and also likes to play basketball, in other words, she work hard and play hard.


We visited some well-known places of interest/tourist attractions , such as Tianyahaijiao, Yalongwan and so on.

仿写:表示举例的关联词: such as (后加名词), for example(加句子)

and so on 诸如此类, 等等


What impressed us most was the sea food there.

It was very yummy.

仿写:What impressed us most is/was ….最让我们印象深刻的是….

e. g. What impressed me most is KK’s face. She looks so beautiful. 我最喜欢的是姜汁炸大蟹。

What I liked best was fried fresh crab with ginger sauce.

What impressed us most was the sea food there.

What impressed us most was the sea food there, of which I like fried fresh crab with ginger sauce the best.

还有,那里的人对我们很有好。无论何时何地我们有任何困难, 比如说迷路了,海南人总是乐于帮助我们。

What’s more, people there were quite friendly to us. Whenever and wherever /No matter when and where we had some problems, for example, we got lost, people in Hainan were always ready to help us.

仿写:what’s more, in addition, moreover, furthermore, “而且”高级逻辑连接词, 替代可怜兮兮的and, then等;

还有,那里的人对我们很有好。无论何时何地我们有任何困难, 比如说迷路了,海南人总是乐于帮助我们。

What’s more, people there were quite friendly to us. Whenever and wherever /No matter when and where we had some problems, for example, we got lost, people in Hainan were always ready to help us.

仿写:be ready to do sth. 乐于做某事。


In my opinion, the vacation in Hainan island is the best one (that)

I have ever had, even better than the one in US.

仿写:in my opinion, “as far as I am concerned”, “as to me”, “personally speaking, I think”我认为”高级逻辑连接词, 替代可怜兮兮的I think, I believe等;


I hope I can be there again next winter.




我给自己画张像作文 英语作文固定句型 那天如果作文600字 初二必考作文大全 英语作文mydream 令我开心的一件事作文 我被同桌那个了作文600字作文 文艺唯美作文题目 关于过中秋的作文 天晴了作文600字 以坚强为话题的作文600字 12年语文高考作文 有关清明节的作文 感同身受作文 法制安全作文 关于元旦的英语作文 夏之美作文 初中作文评语 游桃花源记作文 以动物为题的作文 乡情作文600字抒情初一 关于钢笔的作文 不能缺席作文 难忘的暑假200字作文 家乡的景色作文400字 特殊的鲜花作文 教师节作文500字 贪吃的国王作文 生活中的音乐作文 写校园景色的作文