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my winter holiday我的寒假英语作文

2023-06-14 03:22:01

my winter holiday我的寒假英语作文


my winter holiday英语作文【篇1】

Last winter holiday, I went to Harbin with my mother. It's very cold in winter.

There is snow and ice everywhere and you are always in a white world. You must wear warm clothes.

The most exciting thing is playing with snow. Skating is also very interesting there.

I will' always remember Harbin, for the snow, the ice and all the beautiful things. I love Harbin.。





my winter holiday英语作文【篇2】

Winter has been going on for a whole week, this week off is all very nice. Whenever he woke up every day, do something which they want to do, take a look at books, watch TV, look at their own cross-stitch embroidery. In general it is quite substantial. And there are many activities.

According to the last Monday finally went to the wedding, though not very satisfied, but the process is very happy. Boyfriend seemed keen on this than I would also like photography, Tiao Yifu, makeup, and so the process, I finally had a feeling going to be married, although only slight, but still very happy. Both were enjoying the process, the result is not very important for us, but also had some experience. Pleased me the most is the photo process, he told me to take care of, so I really think that is a very happy

There are two important gathering of students, one junior high school graduates to meet again ten years. This gathering the greatest reward that I learned to ski, Burongyia, sense of balance so bad finally learned, of course, also paid a price for two days could not lift up his arms during these gatherings, I found that I was into the is not into this group, probably in the school have this feeling that I was not very good results, but also the time of my junior high school when the ugliest. And everyone exchanges is also relatively small, although he now has a teacher, but to see the original a little stammer when they talk to the teacher during these gatherings, girls in class I was the only one who never went to high school, they still kind of feeling, full of sense of superiority, but I do not think they are much stronger than I am, on the contrary feel a bit silly.呵呵 ~ ~ ~ together went out to play is not very comfortable, there are several wheat Pa has been singing, other people had their heads bowed energetically Eat eat, really bored ~ ~

On another occasion, the students gathering is undergraduate student classes, it is a gathering of happy, because we finally passed the exam to get a graduation certificate, is excited to celebrate class boys drank down several, the process is very happy, we said, joking笑. 1:00 do not think time off is very slow. Only now that worries me the most is my work, there is no point Otonobu really anxious people. And I is a relatively heavy person's mind, a day passes without regularization Unable to come on the day. Her boyfriend said that I want to live like you do, there really is worn out, alas ~ ~ ~ I also feel very tired, just do not know how to adjust a little memory to work, at least a very busy day, there is no time for cranky.

Oh, really a little know how fortunate who are in it.



有两个重要的聚会的学生,一个初中毕业生再见面十年。这个聚会最大的奖励,我学会了滑雪,Burongyia,平衡感不好终于学会了,当然,也付出了代价了两天不能举起他的手臂在这些聚会,我发现我不是到这组,可能在学校有这感觉,我没有很好的结果,也是我初中的时候最丑的时候。和每个人交流也相对较小,但他现在有一个老师,但看到原始有点口吃时跟老师在这些聚会,女孩在课堂上我是唯一一个从未读过高中,他们仍然感觉,充满的.优越感,但是我不认为他们是比我更强大,相反觉得有点傻。呵呵~ ~ ~一起出去玩不是很舒适,有几种小麦爸一直唱歌,其他的人的头大力吃吃饭,真无聊~ ~

在另一个场合,学生收集是本科生课程,这是一个快乐的聚会,因为我们终于通过了考试获得毕业证书,很高兴庆祝类男孩喝了几个,这个过程是非常幸福的,我们说,开玩笑的笑。一点不觉得时间非常缓慢。直到现在,我最担心的是我的工作,没有一点Otonobu很焦虑的人。我是一个人的思想较重,每天都在正则化不来。她的男友说,我要像你一样生活,真的有磨损,唉~ ~ ~我也觉得很累,只是不知道如何调整内存工作,至少有一个非常忙碌的一天,没有时间的。


【my winter holiday我的寒假英语作文】



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