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2023-06-15 06:44:02




The New Year opened the door for us, winter vacation is slip to us. Like last year, I made an early winter vacation plan. I don't want to let this period of time wasted.

First of all, is to take rests. During this time, I insist on read more books to write every day, now that I've read a good book six, wrote a dozen composition. I'm grade five part ii of the books borrowed from relatives, to have time, will check out to see see, put those skills to learn, to memorize those formulas.

Learning tired, take a break and watch TV, play computer, or playing games with his neighbors. Of course, playing time is definitely not more than the time to study! Or it can be bad. In this stage, the most important thing is to learn, so, not too naughty.

Second, is to help parents work, our mom and dad to come back to work again outside busy housework, busy, busy, very tired. We do son, daughter, let him to help them do some things that can help them alleviate some burden. As a result, not only can exercise our ability, improve our physical fitness, but also praised by parents, not one arrow 3?

The third point, that is, the last point. I want to get into the habit of early to bed and early to rise, strive for later in the morning without father sent me to. In this way, can kill two birds with one stone, can not only build our bodies, and save cost, that is not very good?

Winter vacation, I must be strictly according to plan book, holidays, happily for winter vacation!


Strain of a semester studying life is finally over, in a few days we will have our favorite winter holiday life. In order to let I had a wonderful winter vacation, I have a winter holiday plan.

Just have a holiday, I'll be the first to sleep lie-in, add big when reviewing the amount of energy. And while away from the Spring Festival is not early, I want to go to Beijing with my father and mother of the palace visit us. Amorous feelings of experience of construction of the Ming and qing dynasties; To visit the Palace Museum filled with treasure. In the Spring Festival, I'm ready for some close friends to go to the temple fair, we here to do at that time we can talk strolling. Snow on that day the Spring Festival, best friends and I can make a snowman, snowball fights.

Of course, as a student, don't forget to study! For the arrangement of the study, I organized.


Dad said let me make a winter vacation in winter vacation plan, mother also said I shall be a winter vacation plan, so you have rules, have rules will stick.

After more than I to heaven and earth, the forehead... It should be said that many hours to finally made everyone a happy winter vacation plan, as follows:

1. The parents are not at home to see after his younger brother.

2. Must be finished in 10 days before the end of the winter winter vacation homework.

3. Can take care of younger brother when watch TV.

4. Must see 10 books.

5. Write a diary every day.

6. Can read on the Internet, but you can't play too many games.

7. Can't take all day on qq.

8. Can't stay at home all day.

9. Can't play in far away place.

10. In a winter vacation has to write a composition.


Winter comes again, this is my fifth winter vacation since elementary school. Holiday that day, the teacher a lot of homework on the blackboard. Due to the winter vacation homework more, need reasonable arrange time to complete, so I made a plan for the winter vacation to learn.

I'm going to put the winter vacation homework math and Chinese winter vacation homework do three surfaces. And in the winter vacation reading a good book, "we good word", "detective conan" and the "the practical abstract upper and lower edition watch. About a day at about 20 minutes. Finished winter vacation homework in the morning and after reading the rest of the time free activities. This is I use my mother's mouth. His work is. To sleep for an hour at noon, afternoon to learn Kim seng. Learned after a hour to go to school in the computer computer application knowledge, reading a an article "love education", and say what comments after reading this article, what is the feeling, what to do in the future, and so on.




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