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2023-06-16 03:47:01




Lack of confidence of people such as the lost sheep like the broken mast of the ship perplexed and helpless; lack of confidence in the people such as broken wings of a bird like a broken kite to pull strings disaster into the sky. I have too until the appearance of the tree let me once again back the confidence.

The door into the junior high school the curriculum to increase learning pressure increasing. Exam again defeat put my heart into a cold icehouse remaining a little confidence was also blown away by the howling wind the failure of the head shrouded in clouds cold wind blowing from time to time as well. In this spring season but I feel a trace of warmth. Weekend I decided to walk to the park trying to relax mood.

In the park walking aimlessly. Suddenly heard a childish voice:. "Dad watch the trees fast" I looked up and looked turned out to be a father and daughter taking a walk the little girl looked in the direction of the finger a sight not feel Let me Yaran surprised: not far from the crevice long a towering stand of trees. I know it probably eighty-nine years ago I have seen it when he was a fragile little saplings. Later always I thought it was dead did not think long and now it became the majestic and solemn look. A slight breeze along with thousands of Maple Leaf shaken looked magnificent and extraordinary. Middle-aged man said: "This is really a miracle." So what created this miracle? I was lost in thought. "Confident!" The little girl childish voice sounded renewed. "Dad you see he was in no soil moisture under plenty of sunshine and abundant rain in the environment it still grew into towering trees do not depend on a strong self-confidence it?"

Little girl silvery voice awoke in my meditation. Yes ah in such a harsh environment the tree still vigorous upright not precisely because of strong self-confidence it? Green leaves thick stems that everything he confident of winning in this war the fruits of victory. Trees are so what about me?

Home scattered clouds overhead instead is a clear sky any time I fly. With regain confidence and I finally got the next exam success.

Confidence is when the water boating dark lighthouse relying helpless when. Thanks for that tree I got my confidence.缺乏信心的人,如迷路的羊,像断了桅杆的船,迷惘无助;缺乏信心的人,如折断翅膀的鸟,像断了风筝拉弦,灾难到天空。我也一样,直到树的出现,让我再一次的回了信心。







Self-confidence means the firm belief thatyou can do things well. If you want to succeed in doing anything you must haveconfidence in your ability. Otherwise you may hardly achieve anything. Somepeople always complain about how difficult their tasks would be and howincapable they are. They often refuse to have a try and therefore have noopportunity to overcome difficulties in order to get themselves improved.Apparently this shows their lack of self-confidence.


There are several reasons why people feelfrustrated or discouraged in face of difficulties. Firstly they underestimatethemselves. Second they tend to overestimate the difficulties. Third they areafraid of making mistakes or getting failures.


It is important for young people to buildup self-confidence. As a proverb goes” confidence in yourself is the firststep on the road to success.” we should make sufficient preparations andencourage ourselves before setting about doing anything in order to achievesuccess which may help us gain self-confidence. We should have a rightattitude toward our ability and should never look down upon ourselves. Inaddition we don’t have to be afraid of mistakes or failures for we can learnfrom mistakes and “failure is the mother of success”.





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