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2023-06-18 02:06:06




Nowadays more and more people keep animals as pets; they treat them as their family members. But there is someone who likes to torture animals. They do this for some reasons: they don’t like animals they get fire or they are just not happy. Some people think it’s fine to torture animals because people are suffering more pressures than before; they need some way to be relaxed. In my point of view I think animals deserve better.

In the first place some animals are kept as pets in family. They are a part of it like dogs or cats. They can bring people happiness. Lost of parents have pets for the reason that it could help their children learn to care about others; they think it’s a good way to teach children to be a good person. For the single people pets could be a good companion especially for an introvert they prefer to talk to an innocent animal better than a person who is wearing a mask.

In the second place people who are like to torture animals may have some psychological problems. If someone is suffer too much pressure that they couldn’t breath they should find a healthy way to release it for instance they could go to swimming jogging or climbing. They don’t have to hit pets to release their anger. Some people even cut pet’s ear or claw or had pet’s eyes gouged out. This is really sick; it’s hard to understand that what kind of people would hurt an animal when they are look into their innocent eyes.

In sum animals is a lovely creature that made by god to bring happiness to human beings. People should treat them better than torture them.


This weekend I visited Beijing Wildlife Zoo. There are many wild animals there. Many visitors enjoyed themselves. They gave food to monkeys and played with tigers. Animals and people get on well with each other. We should be friendly towards them. It is important to protect environment. We mustn't litter about the zoo.

Now everyone knows the importance of protecting the wildlife because protecting animals is protecting ourselves.


In our countrythe number of wild animals is becoming smaller and smaller.Some of them are even dying outThe dangerous methods we human being has taken are as follows:

We have been cutting the trees to build housesso the home of animals is intruded and they have to find new places to live.In this processsome of them died in the new environment.

The abuse of pesticide has also been endangering the life of wild animals.

In additionin order to earn moneypeople have been killing the rare wild animals.

In that we have realized the threat of our behavior to our best friendswe should take actions to change such a condition by taking the following methods:

We should protect the wild animal by protecting the environment that they live in and protect themselvesnot to hurt them.At the same timewe should establish more natural reserves for the wild animals.

I believe as long as work together to protect the wild animalsour life will be more and more comfortable.


Satellites will shortly swing into action to track sheep grazing habits as part of a project to design farms that make animals happier.

The Food Animal Initiative combines scientists from Oxford University and farmers funded by British food industry giants supermarket Tesco and burger chain McDonalds UK.

"Animals are every farmer's first priority so it is important that they're given the best care" rural affairs television presenter John Craven said launching the project.

Apart from tracking sheep to help redesign fields the initial phase of the project will encourage pigs to indulge in a bit of satisfying rooting and create shady spots for cows to have their calves in natural comfort.

"Our expertise...is in using animal behavior to tell us what the animals want" said Oxford University head of Zoology Paul Harvey.


Recently I have seen such a story the story on the way to save a giant snake women in banda aceh in Indonesia's aceh province provincial capital a woman under the guidance of a serpent arrived in safety. 26-year-old woman riza said on December 26 2004 she lives in a village was flooded with waves panic in the people running for their lives.

At this time a female neighbor because of badly wounded riza please take your a pair of twins she then back up the twins. To fight with in the jet stream she saw a big snake down the flood from the left to swim she is just like the serpent has been to swim the results arrived in a safe place. After the event riza said: "very strange when meet the serpent I do not feel panic." Moreover the serpent did not bite them.

Yes as long as we treat animals animals will be kind to you but if you hurt the animals which hurt just don't know is you a person but a human. In recent years my human destruction of the food chain all the time and so many animals die because we humans spirited extinction. Some even have some rare animals fur to make clothes for money! Some people regard animals as the experiment according to statistics there are 2.5 million animals die each year from drug test in this world animals are used in shampoo cosmetics cancer drug test although it is not the same with animals but people and animals have the same right to life they also have a desire to survive so human can't go to such a large number of experimenting on animals.

Now so many animals came to attack us because we damage to them so want to animals will also be kind to you you will be kind to animals.




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