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2023-06-18 07:22:14




Nowadays, an increasing number of people have been attracted to fishing. Fishing has been popular these days.A number of factors can account for it, but the following are the most critical ones.Firstly,fishing can develop our patience. We can not leave when we are fishing.Secondly,it can help improve our confidence. We will be very happy when we get a fish, and then, be confident of ourselves.In a word, fishing can help us a lot in developing ourselves. We can go fishing when we have enough time.

作文二:I like fishing

Have you ever went fishing in a lake or a river or even to the ocean?I have done so.Born in a city near the coast,I loved fishing from very young.I got a lot from fishing--happinese, relaxation and so on.

Someone may say,fishing is too boring,sitting by the lake and staring at the water.It may be so,but you can imagine a picture.In a summer evening,the sun is setting down slowly,giving off the golden light,which lightens the lake.Under a big tree sit some people fishing(you are just one of them),each has a bucket beside him.In the bucket there are some fishes,but in the lake there are numberless of them!Just imagine how happy you are when you get a fish,there is too much joy in it.

The most interesting thing is to go fishing in the ocean.You must have eaten delicious fish which lives in the ocean,but do you ever know how to catch them?There are many ways,fishermen go far to the ocean and the farther they go,the more fish they can catch.You can enjoy the trip very much,standing on the top of the ship,let the sea wind touch your face gettlely,you will suddenly feel that you are in the heaven!You must have seen the film named "Perfect Storm",now you must know what feeling you will have on the ocean.I believe personally that fishing in the ocean is the most exciting thing in the world!If you haven't gone fishing in the ocean, just have a try.

Now I have grew up,and have little time to go fishing.But I still like fishing very much.I will go fishing as long as I have time.Fishing gives me all that I need,thank you indeed!

作文三:Going Fishing

This morning, I went fishing with my father.

When we arrived the river, I saw clean water, smooth stones, beautiful flowers, many fish, and so on.

Although there were so many fish, I didn't get one for a long time, because they were very clever. They can escape from my hook.

Later, with the help of my father, I caught a fish finally. I was very happy. My father said that everything has its own way.

In particular, I released a small fish. My father thought I was a good child.




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