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2023-06-19 04:23:02




I went to the bookstore to buy a book in this morning.When I got to a crosing,I was lost.So I went to a policeman and asked him to help,he looked the way and said to me:"You just go across from this street and turn left at the first crossing.Then you will see a big building on the right near the high school.That is it."I was very happy,because I found the store soon next to the high school with the polices' help.


I went out for a walk with my mother last night.Then we came across a foreigner on the road,who asked us the way to the Spa Hotel.I told him to walk along the road until the third turning and then turn left so he couldn't miss the it.He said ,"Thanks for helping me ,you're so nice."I was very happy that I could do him a favour,too.


Yesterday evening,I went out for a walk with my mother. On the road,we met a foreigner.He asked me the way to People's Square.I told him that go the way along and take the second turning on the right and go further again,then can see it. He thanked for me and I was also happy for helpping him.


One day,when I was drinked coffee in the coffee shop,a strange men comed to me.Then he asked me about the road in politely :"hello,can you help me ?How can i go to Beijing Road?"I saw he was worry about it .so i said :"Ofcourse,i can heip you.I know it.,you can go along this road,then turn left.you must can see a bus station.After that,you need to take 215 Bus or 220 Bus.you can't miss it,They' are red and blue."When i answered his problem,he was very happy and i was very happy too.Iwant to take pleasure in helping people everyday.




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