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2023-06-19 04:46:23




It was the last day of the old year. Towards noon time when I hurried to bus station, the No. 943 Bus had just arrived. I got on it and found a seat at the back. But when it’s time for me to get off, the bus was so crowded that even the walkway was full of standing people. I tried hard to squeeze to the door and got off. Then I went to the biggest supermarket in the town. After entering the gate, I took a huge basket and began to choose the needed articles for the preparation of celebrating the Chinese Lunar New Year. The basketful articles included prawns(对虾), lobsters(龙虾), fish-maws(鱼肚), sea-cucumbers(海参), etc. Then I lined up in the queue waiting for paying the money. After the articles being checked by the casher, she said, “Yours? 250!” I was stunned but began to put my right hand to the pocket to try to find my wallet. To my great surprise, my wallet wasn’t there. I searched all my pockets for it but failed. The casher and all other people waiting in the queue were all looking at me with curious looks. In the end, I felt very embarrassed and said, “Sorry, I have lost my wallet!” I murmured to myself, “I remembered having put the wallet in my pocket before I had left home. It must have been lost in the bus.” The casher sneered, “You are really a 250!” At the moment I got quite annoyed and left the supermarket with empty hands.


The most embarrassed thing happening to me in a foreign country is during that time I went to America .

Firstly , I want to let you know that I have been to America , which happened in last summer vacation . After I was there for some time , I knew a girl whose name is Jerry , with whom I had a very great friendship . During the weekend , we always go somewhere funny to let our heart fly .

I still remember that time when I was so embarrassed before her father . That time we were plan to have a journey to the beach , and she asked me to pick her up at the dated time . So when the time came , I went to her home to pick her up . Unfortunately , I came across her father whose temper was not good .When I was waiting her in the car I rent ,her father came to me and asked,"Do you drink?" I answered "No,thanks,I’m cool." To my surprise , her father said angrily ,"I’m asking If you drink . Do you think I’d offer alcohol to teenage drivers taking my daughter out? " At that moment I was so embarrassed that I wanted to find a hole to hide myself in .

Now I know that time I didnt understand him correctly because of our two countries cultures differences . However , I am still quite embarrassed the moment I think of that time .


One early morning, when Peter arrived his classroom,he found his chair is dirty.Then he look round,he found there are only three classmates in the classroom.So he changed his chair with Lucy,who sit near he.

After a while,when Lucy get to the classroom and saw the dirty chair,she didnt change it with others,she just clean it carefully.Peters face turned red soon and went up to helped her.




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