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2023-06-20 04:15:01



This is a beige book, seem to be very old, but I like it very much.Free will flip it.It is written by Spanish writer Jimenez a moving book.Story about a lonely love quiet and some middle-aged people and the story of a small donkey is companion.The author has a different head of clever and lively, thoughtful little donkey - "son".It is very gentle and lovely."Looks small, furry, slippery and feels soft."Jimenez is not only the small donkey as pets, more will it as a friend, for a confidant.Often accompany beside "son", not only to share its moments of beauty with its, even to talk to it all sorts of feeling inside.We don't see what the author the bosom friend of the world, but one donkey, away from the street noise.From the countryside, the top of the hill, the fields to their yard, he and his "son".The author's written every story is very short, but expressed the vivid, exquisite emotions.Most books in the form of dialogue, from beginning to end is "I" and "son" dialogue, statement slightly sad, appearing faintly sad, until finally, "the son" died after eating poisonous grass roots.The author wrote for "universal" elegy, bless the soul.The whole book is beautiful and sweet, the scenery and lyrical.A short article easy to understand, but let me feel the people and animals friendship in tears, realize the harmony of man and nature.Small hair donkey and I let me feel the love and relax myself.I like it.







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