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2023-06-21 05:02:02




yesterday. Our class teachers and students to carry out environmental campaigns Star Park. The teacher divided us into two groups, the first group for publicity, the second set of garbage, the layout of the task, we split up open. Some students passers promote the importance of environmental protection, allowing people to increase awareness of environmental protection, actively involved in environmental protection activities, to protect our living environment, improve our living space; some students so that passers-fill "green Knowledge Questionnaire" survey people on environmental protection knowledge level of understanding; passers-by to send some students to promote environmental awareness in an open letter to the people around them publicity, snowball so that more people grasp environmental knowledge. The exercise of my campaign, I also learned a lot of knowledge, we have this large class society a vivid lesson.


dear friend

how is everything going

i write to you to show you my plan today.I'll go to the park to pick up the rubbish.I think that is meaningfull.then I will do the homework,Studay is the most important thing to me now.after finish my home work I will go to the hospital to see my friend who is sick.

that's all my today's plan.what about you?

best wishes!

your dear friend


Tuesday,August 28,Today our school had an environmental protection activity.Our class has be assigned with the job of cleaning the River Bank Park of our city.We set off at 8 o'clock in the morning by bus.

When got there,we saw children were climbing trees.Few were scribbling on some of the park's building walls.There were litter all over the place,what a mess!

We went to work right away.Frist,we picked rubbish up from the ground then we scrubbed off the paints from the buildings' walls.It was such a hard work but everyone of us was very happy to do it.We finally had finished the cleaning jobs in the afternoon.

I think all people,not just chilfren should pay more attention to our environmental problems these days.Because recently we have be seriously damaging it and still are.If we don't take actions to protect our environment now,the world will be in serious trouble,and finally,it will be destroyed totally.So please everyone,be wise,be concern,do your parts!Do hurt our living world anymore!




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