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2023-06-22 02:43:19




The international workers’day, also known as May day, is celebrated on the first day on May. There are more than eighty countries celebrate this festival since 1889. People may know that the worker’s day is about having a rest on that day, but most of them don’t know how this day comes from and the story behind it.

In the late of 18 century, the cruel capitalists in order to make more money, they demanded their employers to work all day, but only paid them with low salaries. In America, the workers had to work at least 14 hours a day, sometimes, they even worked as long as 18 hours. Due to the unfair payment, the works knew that they had to stand up and fight for their rights, or all of them will die young. Then the workers started to go on strike, demanded that the reasonable working hours should be 8 hours a day. However, the capitalists did not pay attention to the workers’demand. The workers had to fight for their rights for themselves. On may 1st, 1886, the United States and Canada’s worker unions got together to start the biggest strike. After that day, the law had passed the rules that the workers’working hours would be 8 hours per day. This strike had made a different. The worker did not need to suffer from the long working hours with low payment.

The international worker’s day aims to memorize the spirit of brave and show our honor to the former workers. Because they had make great contribution to today’s happiness.


My English teacher, Miss Wang, is twenty-six years old. she is very pretty. She is a kind and friendly to us. We love her very much, too. Her lessons are interesting and lively.

But English is a difficult subject, some of us want to give up studing English. she tries her best to get us intersted in English. In order to make us love English, she teaches us English songs and helps us to put on short Egnlish plays. These makes us get interested in studying English.If we make great progress in studying, she will show us some interesting cartoons. Now we all love to study English.


Some people think that it’s a good thing to let off firecrackers.To them,letting off firecrackers is a traditional means to celebrate some special days,such as National Day and the Spring Festival.It can add much to the festival atmosphere.If firecrackers were banned,the festivals would become too quite to enjoy.While other people hold that firecrackers should be banned.They list many facts to support their argument.For instance,many big fires are caused by

firecrackers.Some children are seriously hurt.Letting off firecrackers also makes much noise and causes air pollution.




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