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2023-06-22 03:31:01




Shaolin Temple is probably the most famous temple in China not only because of its long history and its role in Chinese Buddhism Shaolin Temple Pagodabut also because of its martial arts or Wushu Chan. Shaolin Temple is situated in the beautiful Songshan Mountains which is only eight miles of Dengfeng and about 50 miles southwest of Zhengzhou the capital of Henan Province.

Shaolin Temple was established in 495 during the Northern Wei Dynasty (386-534). Batuo an Indian monk came to Luoyang the ancient capital for spreading Buddhism at that period. Emperor Xiaowen was a believer of Buddhism so he decided to build the temple in the Songshan Mountains to house Batuo who translated many Buddhist works and had a few hundred followers there.


Shaolin Temple is located in Dengfeng Henan province. It is the birthplace of Buddhism’s Chan Zen in China as well as the cradle of China’s Shaolin Kung fu. In 1983 it was designated as one of national key temples in the areas of Han nationality. Shaolin Temple was founded in the year 496 Northern Wei Dynasty. It was named Shaolin Temple because it is situated in the heart of Songshan Mountain the middle one of Five Famous Mountains in China. It is said that this temple was built by Yuanhong(Emperor Xiaowen of the Northern Wei Dynasty) for the purpose of accommodating Buddha an Indian monk who came to China spread Buddhist doctrines.

Shaolin Temple covers an area of more than 30000 square meters. On its medial axis stand the Gate of the Temple Heavenly King Hall Main Hall etc. and a number of important buildings stand on both sides hereof.

“Kungfu under heaven comes out of Shaolin”. One must go to Shaolin Temple to visit the birthplace of Shaolin Kungfu and to get some idea of it. Shaolin Temple is called “No. One Temple under Heaven” which attracts Kungfu practitioners all over the world.


Famousplace myhometown Dengfeng Shaolin Temple BuddhismWelcome briefintroduction ShaolinTemple Shaolin Temple DengfengCounty Henan Province.

Buddhism‘sChan Zen China'sShaolin Kung fu (martial arts).FirstTemple national5A tourist attractions. worldheritage list. ShaolinTemple 20thyear (496) NorthernWei Dynasty (386-534). NamedShaolin Temple because SongshanMountain middleone FiveFamous Mountains withindense woods ShaoshiMountain. Shaolin Temple covers morethan 30000 square meters so its scale itsmedial axis stand TempleHeavenly King Hall Main Hall Sutra Hall Abbot‘s Room Thousand Buddha Hall etcimportant buildings stand bothsides.

Shao Lin Si Gatewere written EmperorKangxi QingDynasty. Bricktowers enshrinethesarira ShaolinTemple eminent. Shaolin Kungfu refers traditionalcultural system hasformed particularBuddhist cultural environment ShaolinTemple SongshanMountain over long history. Supernaturalpower fullyreflects ChanBuddhism. Martialarts practiced ShaolinTemple itsmajor form expression.Shaolin Kungfu includes complete technical theoreticalsystem martialarts itsmajor form Buddhismbelief Chanwisdom culturalconnotation. Shaolin Kongfu Now let’s have Shaolinkongfu. Shaolintemple Catching up world Henan Buddhist College President: Ven.




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