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2023-06-23 05:03:01




We should have a good nap habit. We can start at 13 o'clock to sleep. We sleep in general continued to 50 minutes. Through the nap, we can get a better mental state and we have the energy to the afternoon program. Napping beneficial to our health and it enables us to keep a sober mind. Suggest that you maintain the good habit of napping.




Many people have developed a habit of sleeping morning and afternoon.That is snap.I am used to having a snap from one pm.On average I have 50-minute-sleep.What's more,I usually snap in my dormitory with my room-mates.It's so interesting to hear their sound of snoring if I sleep later than them.We all believe that snap is good for our health as well as for our study.Because we can regain our energy after a snap.So I propose that all the students have a snap.




A good sleeping habit is very important for our health and study.When we have enough sleeping time,our body will rest properly and prepare for the next day's work .So we will be energetic in a day and ready for everything.

If we don't sleep well ,we will be so sleepy that you can't concerntrate your attention on your study .As a result,you learn little in a day.As for me,I often go to bed at 22 and get up at 6 in the morning,that is to say,I have 8 hours to sleep ,so I am healthy , energetic and ready for my study every day.





Research has shown that a power nap—a sleep episode lasting 10–30 minutes—can boost alertness and mood. Even a doze lasting just six minutes can mean a profound increase in declarative memory performance, according to a 2008 Journal of Sleep Research study. But if you want to brave the desk snooze, first get your boss on board. “Tell him or her, ‘If I’m giving 110% and I’m taking 15 minutes just to close my eyes, shouldn’t that be more accepted than solitaire?’” says veteran office napper Ronit Rogoszinski, C.F.P., a wealth advisor at Arch Financial Group, in Garden City, N.Y. Here’s her technique for a proper snooze:

1. “Never lean forward and bury your face in your arms. And avoid arching your back. It’s better to recline a little. It’s all about getting comfortable and taking pressure off your lower back.”

2. “If you can raise your feet just a few inches off the ground, it’s ideal. I never put my feet on the desk—I just put them up on a shoebox. For whatever reason, that little bit of elevation in the feet makes all the difference in the world.”

3. “When you close your eyes, take long, deep breaths and concentrate on breathing very slowly. The best way I can describe it is to just imagine yourself powering down. If your office is loud, use ear plugs.And cross your arms. You’ll find it’s more comfortable than letting them dangle or sit on the armrests. And it provides a small blanket-like warmth that helps you doze.”


研究表明,权力nap-a睡眠发作持续10 - 30分钟可以提高警觉性和情绪。甚至打瞌睡仅仅6分钟就意味着增加深厚的陈述性记忆性能,根据2008年睡眠研究杂志》上。但是如果你想勇敢的桌子上小睡,首先获得你的老板。“告诉他或她,“如果我给110%,我15分钟就闭上眼睛,不接受比纸牌吗?’老办公室打盹的人C.F.P.财富顾问拱金融集团在花园城市,纽约她技术适当的小睡:







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