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2023-07-01 06:14:03


导语: 爱是伟大的,也是无私的。爱是多种多样的,有父亲恩重如山的父爱,有母亲慈祥体贴的母爱;有老师关心照顾的关爱,有同学互相帮助的友爱;也有陌生人默默无闻的爱。 下面是小编为大家整理的对陌生人的关爱英语作文,希望对大家有所帮助。更多相关的知识,请关注CNFLA学习网!


In the pastthere was apersonhe was Lei feng.He always helped other people to do some difficult things.I think he was a hero.Nowadayspeople don't help others.When an old lady falls over herselfnobody to help her.Why do people do this?Because someone think the person helps the old lady because he or she makes the old lady fall.Thenthe old lady's relatives will ask the person who helps the old lady some money.Sometimesthe old lady will tell them he or she is not making her fall.But always the old lady is being hurt she can't tell others something.Nobody wants to be like that.But we need to be more care of peopleotherwise when we have to do some difficult thingsnobody will help us.

Let's to be more care of people!在过去,有一个人,他就是雷锋。他总是帮助别人做一些有难度的事情。我认为他是个英雄。如今,人们不帮助别人。当一个老太太摔倒了,没有人帮助她。人们为什么会这样呢?因为有人认为这个人帮老太太因为他或她让老太太摔倒。然后,老太太的亲戚会请人帮老太太一些钱。有时,老太太会告诉他们他或她不让她倒下。但总是老太太是被伤害的,她不能告诉别人的东西。没有人想这样做。但我们需要更多的关心的"人,否则,当我们做一些困难的事,没人会帮我们的忙。



However nowadays professional cheats tend to take advantages of kind helpful and warm-hearted people. For instance once my grandma gave some money without hesitation to a ‘beggar’ dressed in rags who lay on the street hoping to be pitied. But the next week he was seen to have big dinners in restaurants and hotels. Being generous to them may bring you not pleasure but regret and anger.


To sum up we should be ready to help others because it makes us feel better and makes our society more harmonious. When it comes to strangers we should be cautious in case we may put ourselves into trouble by helping them.



In our daily life most of us have the experience of helping strangers like giving directions to a lost boy or giving our seats to an elderly lady on a bus. What a great feeling it is to see a smile on others’ faces! As an old saying goes “Give roses to others and the lasting fragrance will remain in your hand.” Therefore it is necessary to help others.





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