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2023-07-03 03:06:08




1)网络视频直播(live video streaming)是指人们可以通过网络收看到远端正在进行的现场音视频实况,比如赛事、会议、教学、手术等等。直播进行时,可以跟观众进行实时互动(live interaction),直播结束后,还可以随时为观众提供重播、点播服务(video on demand, VOD),发挥直播内容的最大价值。

2)网络直播最常见的"内容有:在线游戏直播(online games)、娱乐活动直播(live entertainment),以及主播日常直播(host live show)。其中,在线游戏直播用户上百万,是主要内容之一。主播日常直播则因为内容监管难度大而成为治理的重点对象。

A popular form of live streaming involves charming chirpy casual young ladies called, rather unimaginatively, "hosts". They sing, dance, yak, engaging their audiences via personal computers and mobile phones. High-resolution screens are not required to enjoy the streamed content.


A more professional form is so-called live entertainment. A small group of subscribers get to watch these shows, which are usually about technology, financial topics or even concerts. These require higher screen resolution to enjoy sharper picture quality.


4)直播平台的收入主要有广告收入(ad revenue)、用户打赏(user contribution,用户花钱购买礼物、道具等打赏给主播)、与游戏公司及外设厂商进行合作(cooperation with game companies)等。


主播实名制(real-name system for the live streaming hosts):实名信息,包括姓名、身份证号码、手机号码、银行卡账户信息、本人手持身份证照片。同时,申请者还需在与审核人员视频聊天过程中回答若干问题,审核人员认定申请者满足认证要求的予以认证,否则不予认证。

主播黑名单(black list of hosts):网络直播平台对于停播封号的主播信息及违规视频进行证据保全,并上传至北京网络文化协会数据库。这个黑名单库将起到关键作用,协会将名单发给各平台并上报文化主管部门,各平台在其停播封号期间不得为其提供直播空间。

直播内容存储不少于15天备查(live streaming contents must be stored for at least 15 days for further inspection)。


相关词汇 网红(网络红人/网络明星):Internet celebrity/online celebrity/Web celebrity/Internet star/online star

网红经济:Internet celebrity economy

粉丝经济:fan economy


社交媒体:social media

社交网络平台:social networking platform

网络直播:online live broadcast

自媒体:Self media


原创内容:original content

成功的捷径:a shortcut to success/a fast-track to success

相关素材 it is high time the internet and cultural administrative departments take concrete actions to regulate indecent online live broadcasts.

After more than 30 years of opening-up and embracing new technology, China has been transformed into the world's second-largest economy. At the same time its culture has also experienced a remarkable transformation.

Some Indecent or "empty" live broadcasts are flourishing in various forms. What is even more worrisome is that some adolescents regard being an online celebrity as a shortcut to success.

We should reflect on what kind of a family and social atmosphere we have created when the majority of young people are eying such a profession, simply as a way to make easy money. Integrity and creativity will be left by the wayside on such a path to quick riches.

If this momentum is unchecked, the industry, which does not yield added value for the country, will be a huge waste of capital and human resources.

And it is high time the internet and cultural administrative departments took concrete actions to regulate indecent and culturally damaging online live broadcasts, so as encourage a healthy cultural environment online and prevent young people from being led astray in cyberspace.




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