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2023-07-07 06:07:09



Duanwu Festival (端午节, Duānwū Jié) is a traditional Chinese festival held on the fifth day of the fifth month of the Chinese calendar. It is also known as the Double Fifth.[citation needed] It has since been celebrated, in various ways, in other parts of East Asia as well. In the West, it's commonly known as Dragon Boat Festival.


Today, people eat bamboo-wrapped steamed glutinous rice dumplings called zongzi (the food originally intended to feed the fish) and race dragon boats in memory of Qu's dramatic death.


One of the most popular are to commemorate Qu Yuan said. It is said that 278 BC, the Qin Chu Kyoto break. Quyuan see their country invaded,含恨have voted Miluo River Stone died after the death of Qu Yuan, Chu abnormal grief people, this day each year have flocked to the river bank to pay Qu Yuan, in May of each year so there will be a dragon-boat race初五, tzu eat, drink hsiunghuang wine, the custom of hanging wormwood. Dragon-boat race has one of the most characteristics, it vied with one another in intense scenes like Quyuan strong patriotic spirit, like thousands of years has been an inspiration to us.


Since this profound cultural background, so the Dragon Boat Festival has now become our major traditional Chinese festivals. Today she still has great vitality, in Deqing us every day, every household on the door will hang calamus, wormwood, is said to be evil spirits misfortunes. Families and ultimately, natural tzu package, it shows a thick scent of bamboo tzu, the children are our favorites, dates brown, ham, brown, brown beans ... ... a mouth-watering food does! Some places, people will wear a , girls in order to make this colorful accessories, fragrance Madadayo both, perhaps more beautiful themselves, walking in the street naturally attracted a lot of boys who linger eyes.


go look at our extensive and profound Chinese culture, let us even more reason to be proud of Chinese culture!






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