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2023-07-16 04:02:09




A low-carbon life means reducing the amount of energy consumed in a living and sleeping schedule to reduce carbon dioxide emissions. We should actively promote and practice low-carbon life, and pay attention to saving electricity, saving oil and saving energy.

I'm a low carbon expert. On the low carbon, I know a lot of wonderful ideas: choosing energy-saving air conditioning, save electricity to do every day, the same cooling effect, less power consumption demand, this is the beauty of energy-saving air conditioning. Finished with electrical unplug, save electricity and safe, finished watching TV and DVD, press the remote control is not completely shut down, it is still in power, only unplug the power supply, it is not completely consumed. Buy less unnecessary clothes, clothing is produced, processing and transportation, consume a lot of energy, produce waste gas, waste water and other pollutants. To ensure that your life needs to be done, you can save less than one unnecessary piece of clothing each year and save about two. 5 kilograms of standard coal, corresponding carbon dioxide emission 6. 4 kg.

I also have a lot of great tips for learning to do work. The use of both sides of the paper and the use of paper; The pencil was short, and the pencil was set for another week or two. Collect all the unused paper and book a new book. In front of the desk, use energy-saving lamps...

Tell you, our family is also a low carbon family. Mother washed her feet after washing her face. The waste water from laundry and laundry is collected and flushed. Dad loves to drive, and now he goes out every day as much as possible for the low carbon. Grandma loves cutting paper, and every time the paper is left, I get a draft. Grandpa loved watching TV, but now, for the sake of low carbon, watch less TV. And I, for the moment, don't need a computer, and I'm going to get the computer to sleep. We all have low carbon hands.

Low carbon life is reflected in small things. Let's move, everyone is fighting for the low carbon!


我可是个低碳能手。关于低碳,我知道许多妙点子:选用节能空调,省电每天做到,同样的制冷效果,更少的耗电需求,这就是节能空调的妙处。用完电器拔插头,省电又安全,看完了电视和DVD,摁下遥控器并不是彻底关机,其实它还在耗电,只有将电源拔下,它才彻底不耗电。少买不必要的衣服,服装在生产,加工和运输过程中,要消耗大量的能源,同时产生废气,废水等污染物。在保证生活需要的前提下,每人每年少买一件不必要的衣服可节能约2。5千克 标准煤,相应减排二氧化碳6。4千克。





On Friday, teacher li said in class, "students, from now on, we will live a low-carbon life." Beginning, we don't know the low carbon life, but, after we explained low-carbon living a listen to teacher li, know about low carbon life a lot of, also want to do a low-carbon life.

In class, I thought about a lot of times when we were wasteful. Waste water, waste electricity, waste paper, etc. How can you be a carbon person? That's what we're going to do: one, less cars, more taxis. Don't waste energy such as electricity and water, because electricity and water come from coal-fired power plants. Use tissues less and protect the forest. Each piece of paper is printed on both sides of the paper, which is equal to the protection of our trees. Turn off the lights, switch, and plug. Try not to use disposable chopsticks or disposable plastic bags.

The class was over, I thought: if everyone too low carbon life, then we can protect our earth, I hope everyone can too low carbon life, let our earth more beautiful.







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