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2023-07-20 04:05:01



范文一:Spring Festival

My best festival is Spring Festival. It is in Janurary or February. It is the most important festival for the Chinese people. On that day everybody dresses up. First they extend greetings to their parents. Then each child will get money as a New Year gift, wrapped up in red paper.

People in northern China will eat jiaozi, or dumplings, for breakfast, the shape of the dumpling is like gold ingot from ancient China. So people eat them and wish for money and treasure. Burning fireworks was once the most typical custom on the Spring Festival. I like spring festival very much. It's my favourite holiday.




Nowadays, some western holidays like Christmas Eve and Valentine’s Day have become so popular with Chinese people that they have been a part of some people’s life. On the contrary, some traditional Chinese festivals gradually are ignored by more and more people, especially young people. However, to our delight, some social groups have appealed to common people for more attention to our own national culture.

Although a few people once advocated that traditional festivals like the Spring Festival should be discarded because they have become obstacles to social progress. It can not be accepted and supported by the majority of Chinese people in reality. Indeed, the old way of spending festivals produces several disadvantages such as money wasting and transportation overloading. But we cannot disregard its other side: traditional festivals play an active role in our life. Traditional festivals not only bring joy but also bring the family together, which is so priceless in modern society.

What we should do is to preserve the positive things and make them flourish in the modern world. As for the negative aspects of it, we should not hesitate to abandon them and prevent them from affecting and troubling us and the next generation.


Basic introduction

Chinese traditional festivals in various forms, rich in content, are our long history of the Chinese nation as an integral part of culture.

Holiday of the origin and development is a gradual formation, exerts a subtle sound, and slowly infiltrated into the process of social life. It and social development, as are the development of human society to a certain stage of the product of our country these ancient holiday, most of them and astronomy, calendar, mathematics, and later carved out of the weather-related, at least on this from the literature can be traced back to "Summer is small" , "Book of History" to the Warring States period, the year the division of 24 solar terms, has been basically in place, then the traditional holiday, all closely related to these Terms.

Terms for the selection of holiday, subject to the conditions provided, the majority of holiday at the pre-Qin period, had been the horizon, but one of the custom content-rich and popular, but also has required a long process of development. Activity are the earliest and original customs of worship, superstition, taboo-related; myth legend to add a few holiday romantic; have on the religious holiday of the impact and effects; some historical figures have been given the timeless holiday Memory infiltration, all of which are integration of the content of cohesion holiday, the holiday so that the Chinese have a deep sense of history.

To the Han Dynasty, China's major traditional festivals have been stereotyped, it is often said these holiday originated in the Han Dynasty, the Han are China's reunification after the first major period of development, political and economic stability, science and culture has developed greatly, and this holiday The final form provides a good social conditions.

Holiday developed to the Tang Dynasty, from the original worship, taboos mysterious atmosphere of liberation, to entertainment etiquette type, become really good time of the festive season. Since then, the holiday has become a lively celebration, colorful, many sports, pleasure-seeking activities of the contents of the scene and quickly became a popular fashion, these customs has continued the development of enduring.

It is worth mentioning that, in the long course of history, the ancient literati, poets of letters for a holiday to write a lot of famous through the ages, the poetry of well-known and was widely famous, so that our country's traditional holiday of deep infiltration culture, wonderful romance, big vulgar shows of Taiga, tastes.

Chinese holiday there is a strong cohesion and a wide range of inclusive, one to the holidays, of national jubilation, which is a long history of our nation's long history of same, is a valuable spiritual heritage.

The formation of traditional festivals, are a nation or country's history and culture of long-term accumulation of condensation process, the following list of those festivals, all are coming from the ancient development, so far from these popular holiday custom, but also can clearly see the the people of ancient social life and wonderful pictures.




节气为节日的产生提供了前题条件,大部分节日在先秦时期,就已初露端倪, 但是其中风俗内容的丰富与流行,还需要有一个漫长的发展过程。最早的风俗活动是和原始崇拜、迷信禁忌有关;神话传奇故事为节日平添了几分浪漫色彩;还有宗教对节日的冲击与影响;一些历史人物被赋予永恒的纪念渗入节日,所有这些,都融合凝聚节日的内容里,使中国的节日有了深沉的历史感。









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