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2023-07-22 06:05:02



篇一:Our School, a Nice Place to Study in我们的学校,一个学习的好地方

Our school was set up in 1958. It is the center of our city. There are about 180 teachers and more than two thousand students in it. We have two four-storeyed classroom buildings, a library and a lab building. Besides, there is a big sports ground and a new swimming pool. The campus is very beautiful. It is covered with green trees and beautiful flowers. It looks like a garden. I think it is a nice place for us to study in.我们学校是1958年建立的",它在我们城市的中心。学校大约180位老师和2,000多名学生。我们有两座四层的教学楼,一个图书馆和一个实验楼。此外,还有一个大运动场和一座新建的游泳池。校园很美,到处覆盖着绿树和鲜花,看起来就像花园一样。我认为这是一个学习的好地方。

篇二:Let Us Enjoy Nine Hours of Sleep Every Night给我们每晚9小时的睡眠时间

Most of us sleep fewer than nine hours every night, because we have much homework to do. Some homework is given by our teachers, and some by our parents. We have to stay up late, and get up early in the morning to get to school on time by bus or bike. It can be a long way from home to school.我们大部分人每晚睡眠不足9小时,因为我们要做许多作业。有些作业是老师留的,有些是家长留的。我们不得不熬的很晚,而早晨又得早起,为了乘公共汽车或骑车按时赶到学校。从家到学校可能是很远的路。

School and parents should cut down some of homework so that we can enjoy not less than nine hours of sleep every night for our health. 学校和家长应该削减一些作业,让我们为了健康能每晚睡不少于9小时的觉。

篇三:I Am Going to Hong Kong for My Vacation我要去香港度假

This summer, for my vacation, I'm going to Hong Kong with my mother. I can visit Disneyland and lots of museums. It is also a wonderful place for shopping. I have lots of things to buy, for example, I want to buy some nice clothes, school things and interesting books. What's more, I can visit my aunt who works there, I think we will have a good time in Hong Kong.今年夏天,我要和妈妈去香港度假。我可以参观迪斯尼乐园和许多博物馆。香港还是一个购物的好地方。我有好多东西要买,例如,我要买些漂亮的衣服、学习用品和一些有趣的书。而且我还能见到在那里工作的姑姑。我相信我们在香港会过得很愉快.

篇四:Allow Us to Go to the Toilet during Class允许我们上课时上厕所

I think the teacher should allow students to go to the toilet during class. Of course, we have 10 minutes' break every 45 minutes, but sometimes we forget to go to the toilet, and sometimes the toilet is so crowded that we can't go in. If the teacher doesn't allow us to go there during class, the students can't listen to the teacher carefully. Some students are afraid to drink water at school. And it will also affect our health.我认为老师应该允许学生上课时上厕所。当然,我们每45分钟有10分钟的课间休息,可是有时我们忘了上厕所。有时厕所太挤,进不去。如果老师不允许我们上课时上厕所,学生就无法认真听课。有些学生吓得在学校不敢喝水。这也影响我们的健康。

篇五:My Dog我的狗

I have a dog. My dog name is DuDu. DuDu is 9 years old. DuDu is fat. It wears a white coat. DuDu has two big eyes and two small ears. It has one small mouth. My dog is smart. I like my dog. Do you like it?我有一只狗。它的名字是嘟嘟。嘟嘟今年九岁了。它很胖。他总是穿一件白色的外套。嘟嘟有两个大眼睛和两只小耳朵。它的嘴巴很小。我的狗很聪明。我爱我的狗。你喜欢他吗?




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