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2023-07-25 07:52:17




There is a tourist attraction in my hometown - the bund. It is located in the riverside of ruian city, the scenery is spectacular.

When I came to the bund, the first thing I saw was two giant pillars, a stone in the middle of the big column, with the four big words "the bund of Ryan". It"s really magnificent. When you walk in, you will find two stone steps, and the six pillars will appear before me. I wanted to go up and feel it, but a more magnificent sight attracted me. A torrent of rivers flows through my eyes. Let me think of a poem "day by mountain, Yellow River flow". At this moment I finally realized the ancient people"s state of mind.

Finally, at night, I can"t wait to watch the magic music fountain. With music"s colorful fountains dancing to the beat of the beat, some of them rise to the sky, some skyrocket, and even a few somersaults in the sky...

Stepping on the stone steps, you will see a wolong, which is the flying yunjiang bridge, where the bridge lies quietly, across the two sides of the river, and there is an unspeakable splendor and tranquility.

In the distance came the sound of a ship"s whistle, and the day"s bund quieted down with the whistle.







My hometown, Ryan, is a place full of people. There are many beautiful places in Ryan, among which my favorite is the bund.

There are many beautiful places on the bund, and the music fountain is one of them.

Every holiday season, the fountains are dotted with lights, and the colorful water pours out of the sky and becomes fillet of silk in the air. Some are red, like a blooming rose, some are gold, like countless jewels of gold and silver... The happiest were our children, and the fountains were bursting with umbrellas, screaming, and rushing through the interlaced areas of the water again and again. Everyone enjoyed the moment of joy. Because the fountain is not available every day.

The music fountain goes up and you can see the beautiful flying cloud. Look, the river of the feiyun river, the small ripples, the size of the boats traveling, and occasionally the water birds. When night falls, the flying cloud river is even more beautiful, the bridge that crosses over, give it to wear dazzling jewelry, beautiful extremely.

The beautiful bund adds a gorgeous color to Ryan.









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