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2023-07-26 02:14:03




As the saying goes, "no Great Wall is not good", today, I finally got to the badaling Great Wall.

This afternoon, we took the bus to the foot of badaling. When the tour guide asked me whether I would climb up or take a block, my friends and I decided to climb up! Because we feel that; Climb up, you can be a real good man!

We came to the foot of the mountain and began to climb. Along the winding road, we climbed, one side according to the phase. Looking at the endless wall, my mind is full of thoughts. Touching the old wall gently, I saw the working people building the Great Wall. This is the Great Wall after thousands of years of wind and rain. I can"t help Shouting: "Great Wall, I love you! Great Wall, I"m coming!"

Back to reality, we started to climb the Great Wall again. We climbed happily, and then, suddenly, we came across a steep road, which was probably steeper than the tiandu peak. We were crawling and panting. We were so tired that we sat down on the railings for a while. With such perseverance, we finally climbed to the highest point of the badaling Great Wall, which is 888 meters high. On the han slope, we clapped each other"s hands and took pictures without any concern for the fatigue. Finally, I got a good Chinese card. Looking at the words "not the Great Wall", I could not help Shouting, "oh, I finally made it to the Great Wall!"






The Great Wall is a symbol of China. Far from the majestic wall, like a long dragon winding between mountains and mountains, from shanhaiguan to jiayuguan, there are more than 13,000!

From Beijing, only a few tens of kilometers can reach the foot of the Great Wall. Ah, the Great Wall is long and long, at first sight, as if the giant snake lay on the mountains to rest. The Great Wall is made of many stone and brick. The top was paved with square bricks, and it was as neat as a broad road, and five or six horses could walk abreast.

Outside walls along the rows of buttress has two meters high, above the square at the mouth and the nozzle, for observation and shooting, and on the top of the wall, a ChengTai every few hundred meters - ancient war can mutual echo.

Standing on the Great Wall, it is natural to think of the ancient working people who built the Great Wall. If you look at the stone, it weighs two or three kilograms. There were few tools at that time, and it was only by the hands of countless people on the shoulders of countless people, and one by one, they lifted up the steep mountains. The blood sweat and wisdom of the working people, the Great Wall of the Great Wall, which has not been seen before, is not seen. Such a magnificent project is a great miracle!








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