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2023-07-28 03:10:08



篇一:家乡的环境 Home environment

My home is a beautiful place, where the air fresh and sweet, an exceptionally beautiful place, the sky blue and far, the river crystal clear, trees lush.

Where the days than the other blue, far from looking like a big pustule, a golden field, the middle of the trees have a high mountain, stacked with a golden mountain, ah home really beautiful!

I do not know from when, each of the people who come to the river to throw garbage, or the sewage poured into the river. I can not see the shadow of the fish, it looks like heavenly darkness, trees and air dry, flowers and trees are sun sun are bitter, and some thirsty death, because no watering for several days. After a few days, I put all the trees and trees all poured water, and even, I also picked up the garbage out of the river, the sewage poured out of the sewer, the river get me so smelly, people looked laugh The

I want to protect the river, do a small green guards, do not pollute the air.





篇二:家乡的环境 Home environment

My hometown in Huize County Dajing Township. It is said that very early long ago, hometown surrounded by mountains around, there are eight wells around, so named after the well of the well. In the middle of the village there is a clear bottom of the river, which swim in groups of small fish shrimp. There are a lot of trees around the woods, there are many small animals in it!

Can now now a seat of the mountain has become a barren hills, mountain trees have been cut light. The eighteen wells around it were dry. The village of the river was contaminated, so the river into a ditch ditch. The surrounding large tracts of trees were destroyed, the trace of small animals are gone, there has been a serious lack of water phenomenon.

Later, the villagers slowly realized the serious consequences of the destruction of the natural environment, on the hillside planted a lot of fruit trees, those dry wells to fill, afforestation, every household to drink mountain spring water.

Let us every child to love nature, if you see someone in the destruction of the environment, they should go to tell them can not damage the environment, to protect the environment, protect nature. Our hometown will be more beautiful!





篇三:家乡的环境 Home environment

In recent years my hometown has changed dramatically.

Before the streets on the busy, issued a burst of noise, and now well, to prohibit honking. Liuxi River garbage more and more, it rains, the fish in the river about to suffocate. Now the river is crystal clear, the fish in the river free to swim to swim.

The flowers of the park sent bursts of fragrance, the trees gave people fresh air, the birds twitter in the singing.

The former land has become a section of a wide asphalt road, cement road, the streets of the car as a shuttle like the same come and go.

If people no longer litter, I believe that one day, our hometown environment will be getting better and better. We should do something for our hometown. We have to plant trees in the tree planting day, in the grass on the production of placards, but also in the publicity column paste the environment for the copy of the newspaper. So that the place where we live can get better and better.

I love my hometown.










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