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2023-07-28 03:11:03



篇一:毕业 graduation

Gradually graduation, can not tell, full of emotion full of mind. Very happy, and finally get rid of that dirty place. Where the hypocrisy mask I have seen enough, now I want to do a whole new, even if you have to pay too much effort. Like a hard to run the chess, to tear down, but it does not matter, you can win once, you can win the second time, I believe in myself!

For those hypocrites, I have long been enough, if I was an eagle, now is my fly that moment; if I am a fish, now is my moment of the dragon door. Unsuccessful will become benevolent, everything needs me to transcribe, the future has my own realization, I do not need someone else's help. I hope that day, I stand the highest point in the world, look at the world!



篇二:毕业 graduation

Is the day of graduation, but also parting day.

Some people say that life is like a grand feast, there is always scattered, I think in school for several years like a lively party, when a few years ago when we dinner together, we have thought of this day , But we did not think that it will be so fast end, when I still think back in time, has been rushed from the side, out of the campus, no longer the same as before can get away Fang Qiu.

In this hot sun season, we will leave, for a better banquet, more lively. Presumably to see my name, should leave some memories, should have graduated, the future of the future I am also, or miss the time together, go fast, day after day no matter how far the future, the growth of the road there You have me; no matter what time we meet, we are always friends.




篇三:毕业 graduation

Before graduation, I am looking forward to early exams, graduation, vacation!

Just the day before graduation exams, when the teachers say to us on the last lesson, my mood is so complicated Oh seems to have knocked over the hearts of the five flavored bottles, nose sour, tears in the eyes Inside the spin.

But I will not cry, because many of our class students are out of gold Peas, and I have to be strong Oh! Make a good example!

I know that the time will inevitably be sad, will be sad, the heart will be full of dismay, but as long as there are fate, the future will see each other, is not it?

Graduation, the teachers want to see is not sad tears, but the students smile, a smile can let the hearts of teachers get unlimited gratification and satisfaction.

Graduates of the students, laugh one, with the most beautiful. Happy. Smile smile, farewell our beloved teacher and lively and lovely classmates.










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