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2023-07-31 06:11:06




I love all the year round, but I love the summer, although the summer is not so colorful in spring, there is no fruit so autumn, but no snow so winter, but it is more lively and more like. In the summer pond, the water on the side of the crowded lotus leaves into a small dragonfly apron, is also a small frog big stage. A beautiful white lotus from the lotus leaves, and some hiding under the lotus leaf, like a shy little girl, and some of the waist stretched straight, like and who is taller than it! Or some flowers bones, they are together, talking whispering.

I like the sea of summer, where there are cool sea breezes, soft sandy beaches and endless faint blue waters, distant skies flying from time to time a few seagulls, flying in the sea at low altitude. When your feet into the soft sandy beach, feel like being overwhelmed by the beach world; when you come to the beach in the morning, the distant sun rising from the sea level, golden light, Huang Chengcheng beach twinkling of an eye Between the golden, feel like being surrounded by gold. Beach on the bizarre shells panoramic view, the seaside reef on the crane seems to have this cool sea breeze, the wind flew away.

Summer is hot, but also cheerful, or pleasing. You use the hot sunshine, according to the earth, so that all things thrive, is that you describe the span of the summer scene. what! I like summer!





Summer, sunny, ice cream, flower skirt, I want every girl's loyalty.

I am a happy girl who has just ascended to middle school, reminiscent of the last summer of childhood, wearing a beautiful skirt; eating ice and sweet ice cream, fantasy full of magical high school: the playground has a handsome boy playing basketball, Classroom class after classmates have said laugh. Everything is so beautiful and beautiful. Middle school means growing, meaning that I am no longer a carefree little girl, means that I entered the first crossroads of my life. This crossroads is very important to me, of course, I also go very difficult, really is a step by step, every footprints are recorded in my countless sweat and hardships, but I still successfully came to this make me Longing for the crossroads, I was very lucky, admitted to a provincial key middle school, which also makes the father, my mother was pleased.

Today is the National Day, the rain has been the next non-stop, the family travel plan had to cancel, my father, my mother and I went to grandma family festivals, okay grandmother home with two little sister with me, so I will not lonely The sky kept crying in a daze. After lunch, I can not stay at home, playing a red umbrella, out of the house, the two little sister tightly nestled around me, walking in the wet road a few steps, they suddenly ran home Go, when I wonder, the two little guys and carrying a basin ran out: "sister, let's give her grandmother home water!" She said happily. "Do you take the water?" Looking at the two naive smile, I smiled and looked at two little fool, could not help but think of a child when I was not so naive?

Now I am a middle school student, will not be a little thing to the father, my mother tantrums, know how to eat on the table to the elders first folder to eat, take care of small sister; , Give home a phone call to the parents of sound peace; understand the parents for my share of love that is how selfless, I only have to work hard to learn to return them ... ...

A cold wind hit, I can not help but hit a chill. what! Fall come, farewell to the summer, I grew up!







I like summer I like summer, ask me why? That I wait for me to tell you slowly Summer is hot, but I like to eat ice cream, popsicles; summer can go swimming, play in the water; summer I also want fruit watermelon, pear, peaches. In the morning, I opened the window, and the bright sun shone the earth, shining on the buildings and shining on the people. How beautiful a painting ah! At noon, the sky suddenly dark clouds, it seems to rain thunder, and not long before the downpour, heavy thunder.

I can not stay out at home when I see this phenomenon. But it can not stop I like the summer, because the sky after the rain there is a very refreshing feeling, cool and comfortable. Night, our family can sit together on the balcony to cool, chat, see the stars. Very happy. Now, do you understand why I like the summer?





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