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2023-08-13 05:06:05




Remember ever seen such an experiment: operation experiments in advance tell this people will be using qq online chat, he will chat two objects of a singular character, temper, proud, another gentle, gentle is virtuous, are kind.The experiment began, and the man and the first person couldn't talk much longer and had a bad chat.But this person and the second person chat, the chat is not finished, it seems that they have a good chat.Actually, this person is actually talking to the same person.Why is the contrast so big?

It turned out that when the man knew the first man, he had a bad impression of him, and he did not like to talk to such people, so he had an unhappy ending.The second person impressed him very well, so he was willing to talk to such people, and the more he talked, the happier he was.It seems that attitude is very important, attitude can make a thing better, can also make a thing worse.

Will the cloudy weather affect your mood?Will your mood affect your work?

Yes, I do.A bad weather would make my mood worse, so my drawing was unsatisfactory, and the more ugly the picture, the less I wanted to draw it.This day is nothing.Not only I, but many students around me have this feeling.And when I found out that the weather was bad, the whole class didn't draw very well.When the weather is clear, the mood will be very good, and the more the picture will be drawn.

This shows how important a person's mindset is.

You can't control others, but you can control yourself.You can't predict tomorrow, but you can grasp today;You can't win, but you can do everything.You can't stretch the length of your life, but you can determine the width of your life;You can't control the weather, but you can change your mood.You can't choose your appearance, but you can smile.When something doesn't satisfy you, you can change your mindset and turn your criticism into an appreciative perspective.There are two sides to everything, and if you look on the bright side, your heart will be open.If you could do "not pleased by external gains, not saddened by personal losses", that would be great.


During my winter break, I read a children's classic, "secret garden," by Frances Burnett, a British children's novel.This book is very interesting to inspire our curiosity and determination to explore the unknown.Introduces the number of characters in the book, there was little face long and thin, thin, sparse hair and also plate with a smelly face angry, unhappy, then become very strong, has the curiosity of the little girl Mary lennox;There was also the silence, grumpiness, waiting for the death of nothing, and then become lively and cheerful, the face of the red and round young master colin craven;There were all day's busy coring's father, Mr. Craven, and the labor, loving dickon, and the faithful servant, Mrs. Ben weatherstad, and so on.

Colin's mother died, colin's father is very miss his own wife, the closed garden, who also not to close to, one is closed for more than ten years, the key to the door lock under deep buried in the garden soil.The walls were covered with weeds and vines, covering the walls.For more than a decade, no one knew what was going on in the garden.Full of curiosity and courageous enough to probe into Mary, deacon and others with the help of robin, not afraid of hardship, not only found the key to the rusty, also opened the sink more than 10 years the door of the garden, the garden tidy have a profusion of garden flowers at the same time, also make their mood changed, is also much stronger body, especially colin not only get rid of the plight of death, and become healthy and lively boy.

Reading this book made me understand that in every a century since human creation, there are many new things are discovered, however, if you don't have the curiosity and determination to explore the mystery, you won't have any findings and results, each a startling discovery, is a person of curiosity and determination.In a new century, lots of novelty, of each piece of novelty, always holding the manner which refused to believe it at first, and then begin to look forward to it, and then see it can be implemented - in the end it came true at last.The whole world is strange, and to discover the secrets of this strange world, there must be curiosity and determination.

The secret garden is full of love and passion for life, and deeply explores the soul and growth.It shows how the human attitude determines the life of the person, and thus determines the fate.Life can be wonderful or miserable, depending on your attitude.


Rousseau once said, "thank you for all the unhappiness that life has given me."Have a positive attitude and your life is sweet.

Mo yan, after seeing his glorious moment, have you ever thought he also has been approved for the highest number of award winning odds, though in endless dispute, he didn't give up on yourself, "retreat indifferently writing", we could understand him now, I think if use orange metaphor for life, a large and acid orange an orange small and sweet.This is to tell our life often not equal to idea, there is no perfect things, and so does life itself, but we can use a perfect state of mind is optimistic attitude towards life to complete it, when get sweet will be glad that it is sweet.

, by contrast, liu wei, a one-armed piano teacher, in his play, and I experience the different "sweet", may be god's preference to him, make this a full apple by god with a bite more, he knew it, life is gratitude.The difficulty was only temporary, knowing that one day, at the historic moment of the golden cathedral, his subtle smile had conquered everything.Under his extraordinary skill, optimism was the catalyst for his success.

Optimism is an attitude of gratitude for all things, our eyes are parallel, and you can't see the advantage by what you see.How do you deal with life with only pessimism?Let's be optimistic about life!

Maybe we are not important, don't like coffee as thick, from color to give central nervous excitement, but we can be a simple cup of tea, tea is pale, a cup in hand, the ups and downs from top to bottom, transparent, and the feeling of pleasure, not words can describe.Drink this tea, it is not only optimistic pronouns, but also endless happiness.

Perhaps our surroundings are not so beautiful and quiet, but imagine two surviving people in the desert with a glass of only half a cup of water.One says, "only half a glass of water is dead."The second said, "I'm lucky to have half a glass of water."We should understand, adapt to the environment, do not complain, change from oneself, if in a positive heart, then your world will not be beautiful?

Yingying moonlight, I cupped the most clear;I have a wisp of warmth.Burning red leaves, I pick up the hottest;The long life, I will gather the most beautiful life attitude in the world - optimism.




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