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2023-08-21 05:47:01


*All are Brothers in the Four Seas

Long ago, I think, it might be in 1942 that Chairman Mao criticized and complained that some workmates wrote articles which were both long and dull. An English proverb goes like this; Precise is the language and clarity is wisdom. I agree with that and I have practiced that in more than 2000 public speeches in every part of the world. Today I would like to say a few words about the topic.

Above all, I would like to thank everyone here. I would like to thank every Chinese friend of mine. I would like to thank these who may read my speech but who I have no chance to make acquaintance with. I would like to thank the great and outstanding Chinese people and her leaders.

Since about 40 years, it is they who encourage me to work. It is they who encourage me not only to work, but also practice medicine. It is they who encourage me not only to practice medicine but also study life.

Today, I found I was rooted in China as I was 21 years old. 4 days ago it was my 78 years birthday. My feelings still remain as those of past.

I should say I am a very lucky woman. As for work, I am a doctor, an author, a public speaker, and a scholar of economist, social activist and politic scholar. I am a wife and a mother as well. Now I have become grandmother and great grandmother. All these have become possible because of you all, because of the great Chinese people: my friends.

Chinese revolution is a brilliant achievement which has changed the world. World changes with each passing day instead of remaining unchanging. The Chinese people have their great leaders and will continue to have their great and outstanding leaders who know quite well about what happens in the world. By the way, I would like to mention that many countries in the earth envy China her leaders who own wisdom and broad visions. Mr. Deng Xiaoping is a very distinguishable and great leader. With his guides, the Chinese people would have overcome their difficulty successfully. With his guides, the Chinese people have gained their very important positions in the very time when we face a new one in the 21 century.

I always think that it is natural for peoples of the world to promote each other’s understanding, because I am a half-breed of Chinese and Western people, just a medium between the two cultures. Different thinking ways should not result in hatred and discrimination instead we should learn form each other and get a better understanding. I enjoy good health so I loyaly abide by the ancient Chinese philosophy and this is within the four seas all men are brothers.






中国革命是辉煌的业绩,因为它改变了世界。世界并非万古不变,而是日新月异。中国人民拥有伟大的领导人,而且继续拥有熟知世界重大变化的领导人。在此, 我想说一下,世界上许多国家羡慕中国,因为她的领导人富有智慧和远见。邓小平先生是一位非常伟大的人物,多亏了他的引导,中国成功地克服了困难,因而在人 类要面对崭新的21世纪时,取得了十分重要的地位。




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