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2023-08-30 03:13:07


A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court :

This book is the world's first novel in this cross. The author talked about the UK tour, met a man, gave him a roll of parchment to write a book, is his move across to the King Arthur's experience.

This person gave him a book after they fell asleep and the author began reading this book. After crossing this man was caught Kay Knight, was about to be executed at a time when scientific saved themselves, but with their own wisdom instead of the location of Merlin. And later used his scientific knowledge, made a lot of factories, "invention" of the newspapers, bicycles, phone ... ... and try to bring this government into a democratic system of government. He was later to marry a girl who gave her It's called Sandy (formerly known as that girl do not remember), she gave birth to a daughter.Instances of a war, he and his knights with technology win. However, Merlin magic to enable him sleeping in 1,300 years, woke up when being hit by tourism. By reading this book and find that people are calling for his wife and daughter, and then he died.




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