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2023-09-08 02:59:04


Competition and cooperation

Cooperation and competition are both important and necessary for a person to achieve success in his life.

In modern times, people are living more and more cooperatively. For example, in a football match, all players on the team must work with joint efforts in order to win the match. Such activities require teamwork. You can see workers doing parts of work individually, but you can hardly see any products finished by only one person. With the rapid development of economy, cooperation is becoming more and more necessary and vital for a person. But competition is also very important in modern society. If you are a businessman and wish customers to buy your products, you have to compete with others. Competition stimulates people to improve their work and makes the world develop rapidly.

Both competition and cooperation are involved in every field of life and work. Actually, in many activities, both are required. For instance, in learning English, we compete with each other. As a result, we all make great progress. Our study also demands teamwork. We often help each other by pointing out each other’s mistakes and exchanging ideas.

While we attach importance to competition, we should not neglect cooperation. Only with both competition and cooperation can we achieve success and live in peace and harmony with each other.








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