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2023-09-13 05:25:04




When the new year is coming, everybody is so excited. The families get together and have fun. For me, as I was a little kid, Spring Festival was my biggest day.

On the one hand, I could meet my parents, who worked in the city and were far away from me all the time. On the other hand, I could get the lucky money, which was enough for me to buy many toys. But as I grew up, the new year was less fun. I lived with my parents since I came to middle school, what’s more, I didn’t need money to buy the toys anymore.

I could get what I want in the usually days. People said that the older, the less fun in new year. I knew the reason. If I adjusted my desire, then new year would be fun again.



Every time when the public holiday comes, a lot of people have planned to travel somewhere and enjoy the leisure time.

This year, as the mid-autumn festival and National Day come together, so there will be a long holiday. While for me, I am not going to travel anywhere, because I don’t want to join the crowd, instead, I just want to stay in my house and enjoy the family hour. I am so happy that my grandparents will come to stay a few days with us. My parents decide to have the family barbecue and ask more relatives to come. It is such a great reunion, and nothing can compare this moment. What’s more, we will drive to our hometown, which is near to the city.

There will be less people and we can appreciate the beauty of nature.





愉快的一天三年级作文 我家的宝贝作文 高中作文读后感 我在学习中得到快乐作文 做一个温暖的人作文 描写织金洞的作文 最感恩的人作文 爱哭的弟弟作文 林巧稚事迹英语作文 走进职高作文 四年级下册端午节作文 爬青城山作文 书包作文 介绍英语老师的英语作文 描写类的作文 农村生活作文400字 目送作文 写观察日记的作文 妈妈照顾我生病的作文 猫作文800字 兴奋的那一刻作文300 抗疫的作文 让人感动的作文400字 以榜样为题写一篇作文 以方圆为话题的作文 我得到了成功作文500字 作文《我的缤纷世界》 三年级作文150字 初中作文我长大了 建筑物作文