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2023-09-23 05:04:09


Today, Tom is late to get up as usual. He eats some bread and drinks some milk. Then his friends and he get on the bus to go to school. Tom has four best friends. They listen to Tom, share good and bad times whit Tom. On his way to school, Tom has a headache, so he opens the bus window, breathes the clean air.

The fist lesson is English class. “What’s this?” teacher say. “This is letter B!” Tom volunteered to answer the teacher’s question. The teacher is pleased.

The second lesson is P.E. class. Students are very happy. They are play sponsor on the playground. His friends and Tom are running. Some students are playing football and jumping the rope.

The third lesson is spring-clean. Everybody is busy .Tom is sweeping the floor. His friends are tidying the book; cleaning the window; wash the windows and cleaning the blackboards.

They are very happy!




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