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my weekend英语作文五年级

2023-12-14 04:15:02

my weekend英语作文五年级3篇范文

我的周末生活丰富多彩。怎么写一篇我的周末的.英语作文呢?下面是小编给大家精心挑选的my weekend英语作文五年级3篇,希望大家喜欢!供你参考和阅读!

my weekend英语作文篇1

My weekend life that is quite wonderful, I always feel that kind of funny.

First of all, I do not like to sleep late, Saturday, Sunday morning, I got up. In accordance with the practice, of course, is playing badminton. Father and mother can be more miserable, always want to take advantage of the weekend to sleep for a while. But every time I was reluctant to call from the bed, in many sports activities I only like badminton, I do not know why, in short from the early morning has been playing until half past seven to go home for breakfast, every time Is a smelly sweat, but it is not tired, feeling very comfortable.

And then the work is to deal with those boring tasteless no vitality of the operation of this. Did not go to the weekend all the teachers are great divinity. The tidal work is used to us, ok, but more. So the general can deal with. Soon after the operation even if the break came. But not finished Yeah, I have to complete their own extracurricular tutoring materials to buy, so that day passed on Saturday.

This freed, the rest of the time I was free to arrange. Most of the time I spent on the computer. Since the language teacher created a "wonderful pen flower" after I opened my own space. Weekly this week to write the story above, a long time, look back, very interesting. And then is concerned about the news, in fact, a lot of news on the site pictures and video is the TV, the newspaper did not. National events, the world news as long as the mouse, you can at a glance. I spent the most time with my computer. Read on the computer is very easy, and now provide a lot of free reading of the famous website, if the book is too wasteful, online reading is really very good, but there is a small problem, that is easy to fatigue, but eventually can overcome of.

This is my weekend life, very good?

my weekend英语作文篇2

There are many more days on Sundays, and the number of shells on the beach is numbered. Now I'll pick one of the most beautiful, give you a look!

"Birds in front of the lead, the wind blowing to us, we like ... ..." I sing a happy song, while the father and mother, entered the door of Kowloon Park.

Yeah, so many fun toys Yeah, there are merry-go-round, there are torrent Yong Jin, naughty city, bumper car ... ... let me see dazzling.

We first came to the rapids of the ticket office, bought three tickets, we have a family of three boat. Boat slowly drift drift drift, came to the rapids mouth, the boat immediately became oblique. To the highest point, accompanied by a small "ah" screaming, like a quarrel of the arrow-like rushed down, finally was scared, I long sighed, but did not last long, we And soon came to a ghost gate - the second drool, the boat and slowly came to the door of the ghost of the "cliff", looked down, ah, so high ah, I scared wits, but God seems to live with me Like the boat quickly from the "cliff" on the push down, splashing water everywhere, sprayed on the road, the road wet, as if just under a spring like.

Then we went to the Hala Temple. I stood in front of a mirror to see, the mirror I became a big fat man, the first small body big. Hey, how do I have a black at the foot of the big things do not fall it? I look at God, Oh yeah, incredible, because ah, that big thing is actually only big rats.

I ran to my father and mother in one breath, hesitant to just see everything, all told them both. They heard, immediately laughed and laughed, the original, is the Haha mirror to the mouse bigger! I think about it, yes, how did I not think of it? Think of here, I can not help but laughing up. Haha mirror will turn me into a thin bean sprouts, while I turned into a big fat man, laughing me like the August orange - from ear to ear ... ...

This is really a happy Sunday!

my weekend英语作文篇3

Came to the Science and Technology Museum, one entered the first floor lobby saw the sea of people. Greeted the two tall dinosaur skeleton, there are two floors so high. Originally here is exhibiting dinosaur fossils from Zigong, Sichuan. With the crowd I and my mother came to the "dead dinosaur kingdom - Zigong dinosaur fossil treasures boutique exhibition" here show the world famous dinosaurs - Sichuan Zigong found a large number of fossil treasures, including the first public display in China The world's most complete preservation of the meat dinosaur skull, unusual rare Ma door Creek skin fossils, the length of more than 20 meters of the Emei Long ....... Then I and my mother also watched the three-dimensional giant movie "dinosaur return" Know the rampant earth up to 180 million years of the giant, suddenly disappeared in 65 million years ago reasons. It was because a larger meteorite than the moon fell on the earth, causing the environment on Earth to change, and the dinosaurs were so extinct.

Shanghai Science and Technology Museum also has a crust exploration, biological Vientiane, the wisdom of light, audio-visual paradise, designer cradle, children's science and technology park, natural museum and other seven exhibition. Everything is so interesting, let me dizzying, only complained about the time to visit too little can not see enough once.

Through this visit made me know a lot of knowledge, increased a lot of knowledge. More important point is that I know a reason: in fact, science in our side, as long as we carefully to find, to feel, will know the existence of scientific knowledge in our lives, and serve the human.

【my weekend英语作文五年级3篇范文】



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