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2023-12-31 05:37:01


For Andy Murray, and for Britain, this was all rather fitting.对于安迪穆雷、对于英国来说,这是再好不过了

It was a record-tying match of 4 hours and 54 minutes, forced into a fifth set against defending champion Novak Djokovic in the U.S. Open final. The long-awaited victory made Murray the first British man to win a singles grand slam title since Fred Perry 76 years ago.这是一场历时4小时54分钟的创纪录的比赛,在美网总决赛中与诺瓦克德约科维奇打满整整五局。这场迟来很久的胜利让穆雷成为继76年前的弗雷德佩里之后第一个获得大满贯单打冠军的英国人。

Beating Djokovic 7-6, 7-5, 2-6, 3-6, 6-2, Andy Murray described his feeling, “Relief is probably the best word I would use to describe how I’m feeling just now.” He added, “You’re in a little bit of disbelief, because when I have been in that position many times before and not won, you do think: Is it ever going to happen?”7-6, 7-5, 2-6, 3-6, 6-2,战胜了德约科维奇。安迪穆雷描述了他的感受:“解脱是最好的词汇能让我描述刚刚的.感受。”他又补充道,“你甚至真的有点不敢相信,因为在还没有获得胜利的时候,在我当时的处境你会不止一次地想:这一切真的就要发生了吗?”

Yes, it did. Murray already had proved he could come up big, winning the gold medal in front of a home crowd at the London Olympics in August. That was part of what’s become a special summer for him. But this was different from the Olympics. This was a victory at a Grand Slam tournament, the standard universally used to measure tennis greatness.是的,它确实发生了。穆雷已经证明过他能获得成功,今年八月伦敦奥运会在家乡观众的见证下他获得金牌时就已经证明。这是对于他来说这个特殊夏天中的一部分。但是,这一次,完全不同奥运会,这是一次大满贯比赛的胜利。这才是衡量网球手伟大与否的普遍标准。

Novak Djokovic, though disappointed about losing to Murray, expressed his congratulations, “I had a great opponent today. He deserved to win this grand slam more than anybody, I’m sure, because over the years he’s been a top player. He’s been so close, lost four finals. Now he has won it, so I would like to congratulate him.”诺瓦克德约科维奇,虽然对败在穆雷手下十分失望,但仍对穆雷表达了他的祝贺:“今天我拥有一个伟大的对手,他比任何所有人都值得获得这个冠军。我一直确信,因为在过去几年他已经是一名顶尖的选手。他曾经四次输掉我们的决赛,已经如此地接近胜利。现在他胜利了,因此我由衷地恭喜他。”

Federer, Djokovic and Nadal—who missed the U.S. Open with a left knee injury—had won 29 of the previous 30 major tournaments (the exception: Juan Martin del Potro in New York in 2009). Now Murray joins the Grand Slam club.费德勒、德约科维奇和因为膝伤错过美网的纳达尔,包揽了过去30场主要巡回赛中29场冠军(唯一例外的一场是2009年在纽约夺冠的胡安马丁德尔波特罗。)现在穆雷加入了大满贯俱乐部。

For years, Murray has been asked about the pressure he faced, like four-time Wimbledon semifinalist Tim Henman before him, to give Britain a champion in a sport it loves.这几年,穆雷已经被问及很多次他现在面临的压力,就像在他之前四次闯进温网半决赛的蒂姆亨曼那样,要为热爱网球的英国获得一个冠军。

“I’m obviously proud that I managed to achieve it,” Murray said, his shiny silver trophy sitting nearby. “And I don’t have to get asked that stupid question again.”“我真的非常自豪,并且我会尽可能的去实现它。”穆雷说道。他的银色奖杯就被放置在旁边,“到那时我就不会再被问这么愚蠢的问题了。”




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