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2024-02-26 09:33:18

"我的假期英语作文"是一篇描述我假期生活的英语作文。在这篇作文中,我将分享我在假期期间的各种活动和经历,包括旅行、参加活动、与家人和朋友相处等。我会描述假期中所见所闻,以及给我的感受和体验。 这篇作文共有80字,内容简洁明了,以简单的语言描述了我假期的点滴,让读者可以快速了解我的假期生活。通过这篇作文,读者可以更深入地了解我对假期的感受,以及我在假期期间享受到的乐趣和快乐。 无论是对学生来说,还是对老师和家长来说,这篇作文都可以成为一个了解学生假期生活的有趣窗口。希望读者能够通过我的作文,感受到我在假期的快乐和幸福。


As the school year comes to an end, I always look forward to my summer vacation. This year, I had an incredible summer break filled with adventure, relaxation, and learning.


My summer began with a road trip through the Pacific Northwest. The scenery was breathtaking as we drove through towering mountains, lush forests, and crystal-clear lakes. Our first stop was Seattle, where we explored the famous Pike Place Market and visited the Space Needle. From there, we traveled to Portland, where we spent a day hiking in the Columbia River Gorge. Our final stop was Vancouver, where we experienced the vibrant culture and delicious food of Canada. It was a great way to kick off the summer and create new memories with my family.


After our road trip, I spent a week at a beach house in Southern California. The sound of the waves, the warmth of the sun, and the sand under my feet was the perfect way to unwind and de-stress from a busy school year. I spent most of my days lounging on the beach or reading a book on the patio. In the evenings, we grilled fresh seafood and watched the sunset over the Pacific Ocean. It was a much-needed break from my hectic schedule.


Although I enjoyed my time off, I also wanted to make sure I used my summer break to learn something new. I decided to take an online course in coding, something I had always been interested in but never had the time to pursue. The course was challenging, but it was rewarding to see my progress each day. By the end of the summer, I had created a website from scratch, something I never thought I would be capable of.



As summer vacation is coming to an end, I cannot help but look back on the amazing experiences and adventures I had during my holiday. From exploring new places to getting lost in a book, my holidays were a perfect balance of fun and relaxation.

One of the highlights of my summer was the trip I took to the beach with my family. We spent a week staying in a cozy beach house, spending our days lounging on the sand and dipping our toes in the ocean. In the evenings, we enjoyed delicious seafood dinners and watched the sun set over the water. It was the perfect escape from the hustle and bustle of everyday life.

Another memorable experience from my holiday was the new skill I learned – cooking! I enrolled in a culinary workshop and learned to make several mouthwatering dishes, from lasagna to sushi. It was a chance to expand my horizons and try something new, and I cannot wait to try out my new skills in my own kitchen.

In addition to these adventures, I also spent plenty of time relaxing and recharging. I spent hours lost in the pages of a good book, enjoying the peace and quiet of my own company. I also took long walks in the park, enjoying the beauty of nature and allowing myself to unwind.

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  1. 2024-02-26 09:44敏陪你看日出[陕西省网友]IP:3407877148
  2. 2024-02-26 09:38花开蝶舞[湖北省网友]IP:1744143307


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