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2024-04-05 08:40:37


Dear Sir:


First, read this letter you can express its deep gratitude. I wish to apply for foreign trade and related work. I am confident will comply with the requirements of your company.

July 20XX, Dalian University of Technology, I will graduate in international trade. China's imminent accession to WTO, international trade of any one of the staff to expand sales into international markets is essential.

In college, I have access to scholarships. Served as Sports Director, Soft Science Association and the seven-color astronomical agency staff, has a strong organization and coordination capacity. A strong sense of professionalism and responsibility so that I can face any difficulties and challenges. Preference for sports and the importance attached to the body, together with the long-term physical training, I have the perseverance, character is not afraid of hard and good physical and psychological quality. I have very good self-confidence to the completion of the work of the higher authorities.

Trade school I repair a lot of professionals in the following basic courses in economics and majored in the course of the International Trade Professional, I have a minor in the second professional business English and the second outside the Japanese. Therefore, I think they have a staff of foreign trade conditions, but also have the ability to engage in clerical, marketing and related work.

With the letter with my personal resume. If the opportunity to interview you will be very grateful.

I believe your trust and my ability to bring us together for success.

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  1. 2024-04-08 01:20à尐乖.董董[江西省网友]IP:3405959438


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