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The Rising Star_英语作文范文

2019-12-11 14:33:49

The Rising Star

As the Rio Olympic Game is coming, the media pay a lot of attention to the players. Of course, the players with attractive faces and wonderful body shapes are always favored by the audience. Recently, Chinese swimming player Ning Zetao is very hot, before he joined this stage, he had already got fame in China. Chinese girls are so crazy about him, for he not only has talent in swimming, but also looks very handsome. Since the foreign media reported him, foreign girls are also fascinated by him. A famous female star posted his picture and then wrote down the words to show her likeness. There is no doubt that Ning as the young player, has caught the world’s attention and he is potential. Though he has been famous for some time, he still works very hard and refused the media’s interview.


A Talented Musical Boy From the Farm

The American TV show The Voice is one of my favorite amusement show. One the one hand, I can listen to the different styles of music. On the other hand, I can see the singers’ behind story, which are so inspiring. I was so impressed by a musical boy who was from the farm. When he was very small, he loved to sing while doing the farm work. So he learned to play guitar. He liked living on the farm, for the life was simple and the farm was so big enough to play. The boy brought his guitar to the stage, what’s more, he wore a fashionable hat which made him seemed so mysterious. When the boy sang a song with his guitar, the judgers were astonished by his talent, they wanted him immdiately. It turned that the boy was talented and he won the game.




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