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Chase the star_追星英语作文

2019-12-29 00:00:01

Directions: Study the following photos carefully and write an essay in which you should 1) describe the photos briefly 2) interpret the social phenomenon refected by them, and 3) give your poin of view

The two photos show that people are enthusiastic about football stars such as the English football player Beckham. Some like the young man in the photo express their enthusiasm by writing his name on their faces, while others, like the one in the hair studio, spend as much as 300 yuan for a hairstyle modeling on that of Beckham. In fact, that kind of star-worshipping is not uncommon nowadays among the Chinese people. For example, the so-called "Super Girls" became fashionable almost overnight, with fans chasing after them in a kind of blind worship. It seems as is people are badly in need of someone to whom to pay their respect and to realize their own aspirations of an immediate success or stardom. Famous football players won our favor and earned our respect by their hardwork and excellent performance on the football field. What, then, deserves to be worshipped, their diligence and perseverance, or their hairstyle and ways of living? The answer seems self-evident: what we should learn is their spirit, not the superficial styles of living. Fashion is often short-lived, but the ever-lasting memory of a courageous, undaunted and skillful football player is what inspires us in our pursuit for better life and brighter future.

这两张照片反映了人们对于像英国足球明星贝克汉姆这样的足星非常狂热。有些人像图片中的年轻人一样,通过在脸上写贝克汉姆的名字来表达他们的狂热;而另一些人则像理发店中的年轻人一样,花300元做个“小贝头”。 事实上,在当今中国人中,这种明星崇拜并不少见。例如,所谓的“超级女生”大赛几乎一夜成名,而粉丝们则以一种盲目的崇拜来追逐他们。似乎人们迫切需要向某些人表达自己的敬意,同时满足自己马上成功或成为明星的渴望。




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