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A mortal dream_一个凡人梦英语故事作文1000字

2019-12-24 21:00:01

A mortal dream_一个凡人梦英语故事作文1000字

At that time, he was still young and ignorant, even when a man was digging in the corner with a small spade, and he could enjoy it. A day of quiet afternoon, he is on the streets of trance watching ants under the tree is moving, a group of men and women with the children, huge garden to run to the street, and no one noticed that he was under the tree. The big brother next door to the end of the crowd spotted him, hesitating, and crouched next to him.

"Are you the little boy at the end of the street?"

He didn't lift his head, and softly "um". The elder brother sighed with a sigh as he stared fixedly at the orderly ant corps. He looked up and said, "are you going to the end of the street? Can you tell my mother to remember to come and pick me up before dark?" Neighbor's big brother is wrinkly to knit the brows, he complex and bow their heads, and with a small wooden paddle, gently said: "every time she promised me quickly when it gets dark, will come and pick me home, but she forgot yesterday." The neighbor's big brother touched his nose, nodded, "oh," and hurried off. He continued to look at his tentacles, and then he continued to look at the little ant that had passed home.

When it was dark, someone came to pick him up, but it wasn't mom or home. No one told him why he couldn't see his mother and why he couldn't go home. He was sent to an orphanage, and in every family, and often from communicating with each housewife, head, odds and ends that the weak's mother took to the nether world, the father of a long illness, and written a will, will also be father of expenses for medicine next month as he entered the orphanage fees for the first time, will say "please don't let the children know what is happening".

He scattered the truth first know, he just think, is really irresponsible adults, in front of him to pretend to seems to whisper to him as a fool, no, is really as a fool? For example, when she meets a good-hearted housewife, she asks the person in charge, "doesn't he know all about it in front of the child?" The person in charge swept over the floor, and he said, "no, he is a fool." At that moment, he was speechless, saying nothing, and no one noticed that his movements had changed from the box to the circle.

Later, when the children of all the orphanages went out to fend for themselves, he was alone in the corner of the library all day. That often don't see him all day long, director of the orphanage, so very comfortable thought, as he saved up enough money can be left alone, she don't like other children, secretly took him a lot of money, and then thrilled to send him to leave, she want to let him know, he always refused to close people how good it is. Thinking of this, he took the flyswatter with a great deal of anger and beat a fly to death with a great deal of anger. "this fool," he muttered, "surely there is not much money!"

When the New Year is over, all grown up children will leave the orphanage and stand on their own feet. When all the people are around the table and drink tea, talk about parting, and look forward to the future, only he is silent. Orphanages, looked at him, the head of the orphans in singing and also looked at him, and dean watched people looked at him, smiled said: "children, leave here, what are you going to do? Or become how of person?" "I... just want to be a normal person," he said. "Have father, mother, a little house, we live together in peace. Every sunset in the evening, I came home from work, will someone on street looking at." His eyes were still in his eyes, and the head of the table looked at him, nodded gently, and smiled gently.

The chill of winter was driven north by the sound of firecrackers, and he went south, in the opposite direction. Because there was no hard technology and no job that was too eager, he started everywhere. Brush over the plate, when the security guard, pick up garbage, sweep across the street, because he is not at odds with the crowd, he still in his free time in the library. When the traces of the years crept up on his eyes, he began to abandon this simple lifestyle and began to write. He seems to have an innate ability to make a pen and a brilliant pen. He has written only one theme - childhood, and dreams. Repeatedly, and always pushing yourself in a proposition, but in reality, he too drab life began to appear "jingle bell" of the phone, hurried draft manuscripts of the symposium, a class category, make of him. He quit his agent (even if the people with him for two years, but only met him two sides - and firing to meet for the first time - he still called agent), stop the so-called creation, to continue on the road, go to the mountain, the forest, to cross the river.

Later, he really began to grow old, and his legs were inconvenienced. He often felt pain in the rainy weather, and he thought: it's time to settle down. So he went to a small town and bought a small house with a yard near a riverbank with willow trees. He had planted roses in the small yard, and he had set up a hedge, and when he had climbed the wall, he liked to lie in a cane chair, and watch the sunset on the end of the street miss his past.




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