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A letter to my friend George_给我朋友乔治的一封信英语作文200字

2019-12-31 20:00:01


this is Jim. How are you doing in America? Did anything interesting happen? I am studying in a Beijing school in China and my classmates are very good to me.

When I encounter problems that won't happen, they always give me the answers. They are very kind and friendly. In many parts of China and the United States is not the same, such as diet, in the United States, we can eat bread, pizza, hamburgers, but in Beijing I eat noodles, rice, dumplings, they are very delicious, in Beijing, I got a kind of food called sugar-coated berry, sugar-coated berry taste sweet and delicious. By the way, the habit of Chinese people and American people are different, the Chinese have no afternoon tea, and a lot of people don't drink coffee, there are always some people litter, or Shouting at dinner, of course most people do not. Beijing is a very big city. Beijing is the capital of China. It is very beautiful here. I live very well here.

Have a nice day, George.

Your friend Jim




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